twenty four

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~also after the delivery~

i was holding my beautiful baby girl. standing next to emily. my little baby girl looked just liked emily. i looked down to emily's face she looked pale and dizzy. and all the sudden "SHES
STILL BLEEDING" the nurse screams.

right after that the nurse walks up to me "sir you need to go" the nurse said right before i leave with my baby girl in my hands. emily grabs my wrist "jonah marais. i love you" she said to me. the nurse pushed me out and tears filled my eyes. i sat in the hall. not telling anyone. comforting my baby girl and trying to be strong. i cant let emily die. i love her to much. and i never said it.

"shh. mommy is strong. she will be ok." i said to my babygirl. a tear slipped out. my phone was being spammed by my parents. but i didn't wanna answer it. so they came over. took the baby i held my knees to my chest and cried right next to emilys room.

about 3 hours later the doctor comes out of emilys room.

"are you jonah marais" the doctor asked me. i nodded then stood up

"i'm so sorry to say. we lost both your second baby and emily. we tried to do everything we could. emily lost lots of blood somehow. but we couldn't save her. i'm sorry" the doctor said. i dropped to the floor and tears formed. i couldn't believe the one i knew i was going to marry died. she's gone. away. the only way to see her is through my baby's beautiful face

"i'll be back later for the name of your babies. yes both" the doctor said.

"no. no. no. i have them right now." i said trying to stop crying

"the one with her mother in heaven is sara marie marais. after emilys sister and the one that i have in this cruel world will be rose marais. and marais as the last name please." i said with tears flowing down my face gilt in the doctors face he nodded and walked back into emilys room. my parents walked over

"how's emily doing do you know" my sweet sweet mother asked me. i didn't want say anything. but i wanted rose  and some how my mom knew i wanted her. so she gave me rose.

"she's gone" i said with sadness in my tone. nothing came out of my parents mouths. just tears. we all sat there for another five hours crying. because my parents knew how much i love emily. they loved her too. my whole family. my best friends. jenna. we all loved her and now she's gone. and i never told her i loved her. i finally said something

"rose" my parents looked at me funny when i said that.

"that is her name rose" "rose marais. for emilys middle name" i added on. my parents said nothing. just a cried. i looked at my little baby rose. and cried

Hurt//Jonah Marais { completed }Where stories live. Discover now