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the next day i woke up to a naked jonah. did we really fall asleep right after. i look at the time. it's 6:00 am. i didn't hear screaming. did my parents stay out all night. maybe that was a good thing. i grin. then jonah moves and yawns i turn to face him. i stare at his lips. while i was starring at his beautiful lips he woke up and noticed i was starring at his lips. so he kissed me so passionately. and damn i kissed back. i felt a smile on his face. bitch i loved it. i put my leg around his naked body and damn he liked it his little friend grew. i giggled. and it grew some more.

"jonah. i'm going to take a shower. i smell so bad." i said. he nodded his head. i get out of bed and feel jonah starring at my ass again. i walked to my bathroom. and i showered. i felt so clean. i was happy.

i stopped the shower put my hair in a towel and wrapped myself in a towel and walked into my room. i see that jonah has found an outfit for me to wear it was a dress and white vans. "what is this" i ask

"you are wearing it to school today. or you will not get any of this tonight" he said pointing at his body. i didn't say anything. he walked to my bathroom and took a shower. i put on the dress. it was gray pencil dress. i went to my mirror i looked at myself. i stare at my body. jonah comes out of the bathroom and i didn't realize. i started to cry look at myself. jonah saw.

"i'm so fat and ugly" i cried. (he's dressed btw) he walked over to me and wrapped his hands around my waist. he put his head on my shoulder. "emily. you are not fat and you are a beautiful human being" he reassured me. i turned around and kissed him. my alarm went off. it was time to leave. i grab my bag. jonah grabs his bag too. we run downstairs and grab a granola bar. we get into my car and leave

We get to school and my heart starts to pound. i hate wearing dresses. i don't even know why i have this dress. oh well. i get out of the car jonah does too. the 4 boys see me and jonah walk out of my car. they looked at me started to chuckle. i hated life. i grab my bag out of my car and walk in the school to my first class. jonah walks over to the 4 boys


I walk over to my boys. "ew you got out of the same car as that hoe. gross." daniel says "did you stay the night with her" Corbyn asked laughing. I didn't want to tell them the truth so I'm going to make a little white lie... That's okay right? She wont get hurt.

"Ha. yeah.. even though it was her first time she wanted to keep going." I said laughing but also hurting. "What a fucking whore" Jack says. I said nothing. "are you doing it again tonight?" zach questioned

"hell no" i said. i died inside. I really wanted to but the boys are going to make plans with me now and i wouldn't be able to. Shit I wanted a round two. "YO, we gotta find you a girl and get away from Emily" Daniel says. "I know this really pretty girl who keeps looking at you jonah" jack says

"who?" I said. jack points to this girl she had brown curly hair that ombre to blond, clear glasses and 5'5 ish. "her name is jenna. she is in my bio class" jack said. I some reason looked at zach and he looked all sad.. Does he like her? I don't wanna start anything.


Hurt//Jonah Marais { completed }Where stories live. Discover now