#4. Bout 'n Infinity Past Beyond

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I needed a way to get connected back to my inner twin. Obviously, I been suffering with seperation issues. So I ventured off into the astros in search of my higher guides and spirit animals. Finding their council was easy, just the way back held all the testing. I'm not sure you'll even believe me...

Things got rough on the way back home. Flown through a few craters the other day, I think. Maybe. Or, it could have been turbulence from an intergalatic hurricane. I dont know. But things I see, seldomly seem brand new. It would make sense if I was living an extended version of deja vu. I'm not even going to lie. When the lights got dim, I felt the butterflies from with in. Causing an effect, that projected my chance of survival was slim. Some how I made it out in tact and back to my safe haven.

I can't recall the amount of days that went on before I had went to see the wreck. I stepped in to the loft to see if the damage was as bad as I thought. Almost hit up Lora Croft to see if it was a total loss. I didn't make the call. I tossed the idea cause I figured it was awful. There was no reason to play hide and seek. It wasn't like I was looking for Mystique with a picture from last week. It was a dam gas leak. Gas was all on the dam floor.

Ended up putting the UFO in the shop so, I can save up the gas money. You know what? It's funny; how the universe truly works. Forces you to survive the struggle to get the perks. I finally gained the strength to break out the cocoon. Emerged out from the casing. The wings were amazing, all black, to match the cosmic hawk that faught with me. Not to the death but with ideal protests. Persuasions using parallel memories, or future plesantries. The hawk was no enemy, so we flew higher than I thought was even a possibility. Got too high, spun out and crash landed. Woke up feeling safe. Not one ounce of feeling stranded. The obstacle that I hit didn't leave a bruise. Truthfully, I think that really became my muse. So I went and vacated south on the moon. That's where we held our silent consultations with higher guides, and asked for advice. To my suprise, I came to realize, my teacher was either of my past life or of like mind. Which makes sense cause this recycled wisdom I've been given is of no coincidence. Can you believe how our time bends?

Universal trends, reminds me of the waves. Oh! I forgot to take pictures when I was surfing the milky way. I was in need of new scenery and hopefully escape a case of Marshan's telepathy. The colors were, well I guess the best way to put it is "unheard of". I thought I became the first-ever "Marshan Surfer". Unfortunately I wasn't. There was a first, they call him Norrin. I now know, that I was actually due for a rare, once and every lost life time, change of fortune.

Is this my chance, to set the rules to fit how I choose? I had to hold my composer. Toss my past childishness, and pride over my shoulder. The process of finding understanding felt like a few years close to 30. It gave me time to add up the benefits of being an artistic hippy. So to speak. Connecting lines to create imagery, that's damn near close to wizardry. That was even before they heard me speak. But I'll save that for another conversation when we meet.

I'll be there a quarter to soon. [Lol] Honestly I don't know when I'm due. But I brought you stones from the moon. I know for a fact that you'll apppreciate these crystals. They're mysitical not material. Moon rocks, is what Buzz called it. Said it can carry you light years away onto infinity. Who knows, this could be the answer to our mystery...

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