Chapter 17 No game play

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(Liv) this whole decision making has been bothering me all this time why couldn't I just make my mind up why was it so hard for me to pick between them was I really attached to both of them that much that I couldn't make this simple decision if either you pick one of them and you don't pick the other that's it. ( Liv) but I really wish it was that simple but it wasn't I really was attached to both of them we both bring something really good into my life and I didn't want to lose that by making the decision I know I would damage that for sure. ( Liv) but I also knew by not making the decision that I would damage their life as well they would have fed up and they would give up they would probably not be into me anymore not even care and that would be even worse than anything else . ( Liv) it's time to be playing no more games but how can I just make a decision he did I would like more I sometimes really hated when I put myself in situations like this but it was my own fault I guess or was it maybe in the beginning I should have just gone on dates with one of them. ( Liv) how much more time was I going to make them white and how much more time were they willing to wait for me to make a decision my feelings were all out of whack by this time for sure it's not time that I needed anymore.

( Liv) maybe I should just stop kidding myself and make your decision maybe I should be waiting for me and know that I really have my decision I just don't know how to say it or do it or maybe it's just that I don't want to do it and hurt the other person's feelings but either way someone's feelings were going to get hurt at the end. ( Liv) so might as well just suck it up and do it maybe I should just go on one more day with both of them will not at the same time but give them both a chance maybe that would really help me make my decision hopefully seem like a great plan at the time. ( Liv) how was I going to go about this how was I just going to tell them okay the way I'm going to make up my mind is violated both go on one more date with her and then I'll see who I truly want to be with would then take that Lightly for good at all. ( Liv) the only way I truly knew is by trying it out so I followed my gut and went for it and went to go talk to one of the first Brothers I decided to start with Benji and see what he would say about it I seen that y'all wouldn't be a good first choice . ( Liv) but I kind of think that Benji would taking more of a good thing as I made my way to the front of the bus where I found Benji sippin on some coffee I said down next to him and started talking about the whole thing I'm waiting for his response .

( Liv) it took him awhile to say anything but then he finally spoke up ( Benji) okay if that's how you want to do it that's fine with me anytime I get to spend with you is fine with me but maybe you should decide the date this time to be fair also I have another question I don't mean to pry but . ( Liv) and the answer is yes I'm asking your brother  on another date that's well I feel it's the only way that I can make my decision fair I go on dates with both of you and then I end up making my mind full parade for the end of both dates . ( Benji) of course I have no problem with that but how did you know I was about to ask that ( Liv) it's really just an obvious thing you know ( Benji) that's true I'm just glad that we got him back to talking like this and I can't wait for our date I really cant . ( Benji) spending time with you talking whatever is it is it's so calming to me you're just so down-to-earth and like no one I've ever meet I knew that since we first started talking since we first meet ( Liv) will likewise you're so easy to talk to you as well Benji. ( Liv) now that we got that all planned out I guess I'll see you on a date so we still can't wait I'm letting you be the first one to take me out just don't repeat that to anyone especially not his brother ( Benji) of course I won't and I'm very honored that you picked me first.

( Liv)  of course I kept my promise and I went to go have the same talk with Joel he was very excited about it just like I thought you would be and I'd be lying to myself to tell myself that I wasn't excited as well but also quite nervous at the same time I Knew by the end of both dates. ( Liv) I would have to make a decision whether I was ready or didn't like it what was I going to be able to do it maybe Billy was  right maybe I said he did know who I wanted to be with maybe I was just avoiding the whole thing not wanting to let go of one of them. ( Billy) so what around the bus is that you're talking to Joe and Benji  just like you used to did you clear up that whole conflict did you finally choose which one you wanted to be with ( Liv) not really not yet but I'm working on it don't worry about it.  ( Liv) We're is back on speaking terms I decided the only way to make up my mind was to go on dates with both of them and see how it ends up being at the end of both days and then maybe then I can finally make up my mind stop thinking about this. ( Billy) what seems like a good plan I hope it all works out with you I mean no matter who you pick I'm sure like I said the other one will be willing to forgive you I mean you'll be really hard to see guys together in front of his face .

( Liv) the date finally change the day of the date that I had with both of them well actually the first date with this Benji and the next day with Joel they both decided to let me pick out the date and what we would do and I was happy that they decided this that way I could get to know them better and do something I loved . ( Liv) Benji I wanted to take it easy I just wanted to hang out and get to know him better and that's what we did we went to go grab a bite to eat and then I was thinking maybe if you take a walk on the beach he really seem down for anything. ( Benji) I mean really enjoying my alone time with you kids when they talk to you another day I thought your date was really creative and romantic and that's the show that I'm supposed to be the one that supposed to be romantic towards you. ( Liv) I guess I really need to show you that I could be romantic as well I'm happy that you're enjoying yourself because I am too my date with Benji had ended cuz he gave me a kiss goodnight on the cheek like a gentleman I really did enjoy my time with him . ( Liv) and now I have to repost myself because I had another date the next day with Joel  and I had to give all my attention to him now i had a movie and something else planned for me and Joel for a date every both made it to the movie theater.

( Joel) I never really thought of you as a scary movie kind of person I really did enjoy the movie and what else do you have planned for me on this date of  yours ( Liv) well I thought we would just sit here and look at the stars now find a beautiful ( Joel) they are but not as beautiful as before . ( Joel) I guess I'll let you get some rest now I'm sure you have a lot of thinking to do and please don't worry about it you'll really have to make a decision tomorrow me and my brother can give you another to your two if you realy need it .

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