chapter 7 city of love

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( Benji) in Enjoy the view i see it great is it not ( Liv) yeah it's great I've never been to Paris before and I mean they do say this is the city of love and it is beautiful ( Benji) that is partly true but you are as well ( Liv) thank you you're too kind ( Benji) listen live I was thinking I mean whenever we have a free day on the store I was wondering . ( Liv) oh my God I can't believe it he's about to ask me out both of the brothers into me I would I ever choose maybe I don't have to choose right now I need I can go on dates on with both of them we not at the same time obviously and I mean just decide later on. ( Liv) of course Benji would love to go on a date with you ( Benji) wait you would and wait how did you know I was going to ask you out on a date ( Liv) I mean no offense and seem obvious for sure but I mean if you change your mind.  ( Benji) of course not why would I ever do something like that I would love to still go on that date with you ( Benji) I'll for sure have something very fun for us to do I mean in a way I want to impress you I know I hope it doesn't sound cheesy at all ( Liv ) no not at all . ( Liv) but just to let you know you already impressed me by just being you so you don't have to do much more but if you want to it's all up to you ( Benji) wait hold up what do you mean do you mean i  impress ( Liv) I mean how can I not be impressed by you I mean you're a talented artist an all-around nice guy as well .

( Liv) I mean not to mention I mean never mind that I'll save that for later ( Benji) no come on why would you do that to me and not tell me what you were about to say ( Liv) you're just so damn hot and I just want to literally make out with you right now ( Benji) is that so because I'm thinking the same thing ever since I saw you I just wanted to kiss you . ( Liv) maybe we should just not hold back these feelings and go for it I mean what do we have to lose obviously we're both into each other and obviously we should just do this if they both start to make out but then out of nowhere to live wakes up . It was nothing but a dream she had dreamed about Benji in about them making out but the bizarre thing was that she didn't dream about Joel why was she dreaming about Benji I mean not that she might she was obviously into both of them and she couldn't pick right now. ( Liv) wow that was a really bizarre dream but you had a good one I should keep this to myself and not tell anybody especially not Billy from what I heard from Benji he likes to tell everybody their business it's not that I don't trust him it's just or maybe I don't trust him . ( Liv) and obviously I don't want Benji and Joel to fight us brothers that's the last thing I want in this I just want to see who I like more and then I'll decide I won't drag this along any longer than it needs to be dragged along is she got up and made her way to the restroom .

She ran face into Benji who smiled at her at 1st and Liv froze remembering the dream she's trying to tell herself not to think about it but it's all she could think of and she stared up Benji and he stared back at her she was trying she was trying to get words out anything she was trying to get words out anyting . But something just kept her there Frozen in place without being able to say anything finally Benji spoke up ( Benji) hey Liv you okay it seems like you zoned out there but how was your sleep ( Liv) it was great I'm going to go get some breakfast . As Liv walked past him as fast as she could just to get out of his way just to not think about the dream she just had before she woke up again she bumped into someone else this time it was Joel ( Liv) sorry about that it seems I keep bumping into people today. ( Joel) oh don't worry about it I was just about to go see you in your room to see if you were up and to see how you slept I really did enjoy our date the other day ( Liv) oh so now you're officially calling it a date ( Joel)  yeah I guess so unless you don't want me to call it that . ( Liv) no it's fine you can call it whatever you want leave couldn't believe that she had a dream about his brother and get she was talking to the other brother right now what if he found out what would he think about it Liv wasn't in the moment right now to pick between both of them .

( Liv) listen I enjoyed the date very much too maybe we should do it again sometime but no offense as of now I'm really hungry so I'm going to go get some breakfast you're welcome to come and join me unless you already had breakfast ( Joel) I did but I'm welcome to still join you if that's okay with you . Just then Benji seized up Joel and Liv are talking he makes his way towards them to stop them from talking to each other ( Benji) hey what are you do that as up to getting some breakfast I was thinking about doing the same thing maybe I should join you guys. ( Joel) actually didn't you already eat breakfast as well ( Benji) yeah but so did you I mean we could still join Liv  me and keep her some company you know as much as Benji didn't want Joe to be the company with her and Liv he rather have it that way than them have time alone . ( Liv) yeah that sounds fine with me I mean what should we order for breakfast or anything I mean I mean I meant to say what I should order for breakfast you guys already ate obviously Liv that was now just talking crazy because she was nervous that they were both there . ( Joel) I mean it's all up to you we wouldn't want to pick for you I mean whatever you're feeling today ( Liv) I think I'm feeling some bacon and eggs and maybe some hash browns or some fruit ( Benji) sounds like a plan you know I can order it for you if you want me to ( Liv) that's very sweet of you but I got it thank you.

Liv made her order as they waited for the food to come in with room service there was a little bit of Silence between the three of them until finally we have decided to speak up because it was too nerve-wracking to her ( Liv) so guys I suppose this is not your first time touring to Paris I mean this place is beautiful you guys are so lucky to come here again . ( Benji) yeah you're right this isn't our first time coming to Paris but I mean every time we come back it gets even more prettier I mean I remember the first time coming here on tour when we are really becoming a band what not I thought to myself this place is so beautiful I would love to live here one day . ( Joel) really Benji cuz I don't remember you saying that at all and plus I don't see you living here I mean just saying ( Benji) when no offense to you Joel but maybe when I said it you weren't around why wouldn't I want to live here I mean just because we're twins does it mean you know everything about me . ( Liv) come on guys don't get in a fight I mean it's cool I believe you Benji don't worry about it I mean if I were you I would love to live here as well because I could afford it but obviously I can't right now I think that's the room service I'll get it you guys wait here . Liv as they've got out to open the door and the man came in with the cart in the food she checked it all and saw that everything was there she think the men as she sat down and started to eat ( Liv) so anyways not to make this awkward I mean what should we talk about while I eat .

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