Chapter 19 Love coming in one

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Could it be that Liv had finally made up your mind after thinking about it so much I think she finally knew who she wanted to be with cuz she wasn't quite ready to tell that person and hurt the other person's feelings but she knew she couldn't drive this any longer already been. So you may ask yourself what she was planning to do well she was planning to tell the person that she truly wanted to be with at the end of tonight's show you wanted to meet up with both of the boys in the same place where she would tell them who she picked . She was her and determined to who she wanted to be with now and she wasn't going back on it at all you know this was the right decision for herself and them as well weather one of them didn't like it or was going to get their heart broken. She went on with her regular routine for the day trying not to think about the whole thing but she did end up leaving  text messages to both of the boys  was letting them know that she would like to meet them at the end of the show in her dressing room. She didn't really leave a lot of details in the text message he decided not to say in the message that you was finally ready to make a decision she just really said that she needed to talk to both of them in the same and that's all it's simply said the message.

The boys as well didn't try to act weird around her during the whole day that act as normal as they could they didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable as well I think they kind of had a clue about what she wanted to talk to them about and kind of the truth I kind of made them a little bit nervous who was she going to end up picking. Both of them obviously hold it was one of them they both have grown very strong feelings for her I think they could even go about to say that they both loved her but obviously one of them could only end up being with her and the other just a friend. As bad as that sounds that's how it had to be this made it even worse for the both of them having shoe before all of this that was never good but they had to keep focus of course they had a show to run for their fans and they couldn't let them down just because of this. ( Billy) hey you okay Joel you don't seem yourself something bothering you ( Joel) yeah something's bothering me and I'm not myself well can I tell you something you won't tell anybody ( Billy) at least try not to what is it what's on your mind I'm more like who's really on your mind. ( Joel) This whole Liv talk  has me worried he wants to talk to both of me and Benji I think it's about her making a decision and I don't know if I'm quite ready to hear that I know it was going to come up one day or another but now that it's here I'm so nervous.

( Billy) why are you nervous are you afraid she's going to pick your brother and not you I think that she's in love with your brother ( Joel) way to go to make me feel better I don't know what she's really feeling but what I do know is that I love her we would really hurt me if she ended up not picking me . ( Billy) well I don't know what to tell you man this is a big problem that you have and I can't really help I guess you just wait to see what she said ( Joel) yeah you're right I shouldn't worry too much about it even though I am focus on the show. ( Joel) the one thing that is important today at least whatever she ends up picking at her decision and I can't do anything about it is Joel slowly  walked away from Billy ( Billy) this girl has gotten herself in a big mess up things and mess  with these guys. ( Benji) I already know the reason she wants to talk to you I can already hear it she's about to make a decision and I don't know what to do about it what if she does end up picking my brother and I end up on the sidelines what am I going to do then . ( Paul) well there's nothing you really can do it's up to her if it helps you tried your best you really did show her that you cared about her she doesn't see that then I don't know what else plus I'll be here for you if you need to talk or anything .

( Benji) thanks Paul that helps a little bit but I'm still worried about this whole thing I can't even focus About Tonight Show and that's bad ( Paul) first of all let me see what the text said that she sent you  as Benji  hands over his phone to Paul decides to analyze the text that he got from Liv . ( Paul) sorry to say it but it is probably what you think ( Benji) I could have easily told you that I already knew it I am being so rude I'm just nervous about this whole thing I don't even want to even have the talk with her. ( Benji) since I already know that bad news is coming towards me I kind of have a feeling that she's not going to pick me up a phone in between my brother and I'm going to have to end up seeing them everyday together. ( Paul) that would be pretty awkward and damaging to your feelings or maybe you could be wrong and maybe she's going to pick you up you never know so it's never good to be guessing what you think's going to happen cuz it usually ends up happening. ( Benji) yeah you have a point cuz you think my brother thinking about all of this when he received the text as well ( Paul) I am sure he's equally as  nervous and this is bothering him for sure he's having the same problems and thoughts as you are right now sure don't feel like you're the only one.

( Liv) the whole time during the day before the show even have to start I'm trying to have a normal day and be normal as usual not to make it too obvious but it seems that I can even do that it seems that I was trying to avoid both of them how could you really avoid someone.  ( Liv ) when you live on the sam  bus with them that really was impossible so I tried to go on with the day without trying to even think about the whole thing but that was hard to do as well because I knew within some hours I had to make a decision. ( Liv) it started getting ready for the show as we all packed up like things in the bus drove us to where  the show would be I had to keep focus on my job and what I had to do and not focus on other things I had time for that later on I really come to a conclusion. ( Liv) if I finally  had a talk with myself and my dresser alone before heading on the stage and told myself that I had finally came to a conclusion I finally decided who I wanted to be with was the one that I had the most feelings for . ( Liv) finally the show had ended and I was heading towards my dressing room if I waited there for both of the boys to get there I tried to make my mind not wander and not change my decision because I was determined with it what I really wanted.

( Liv) annoying I heard a door open as they both entered the room I take a deep breath and tell them to take a seat as I started to talk I just want you to know that this was not at all easy for me but I knew I had to come to a conclusion or a decision really I also want you to know. No matter what i pick I want you to know that you old treating me very nice these past weeks or so I also want you to know that whoever I pick change things with the other person that I pick still want to be close to that person as well. ( Liv) that's why I'm sorry Joel but I pick Benji before one that I love and he's the one that I want to be with I hope you understand all of this and I'm sorry if I hurt you in anyway ( Joel) okay I get it but I just want you to know that I always will love you . As Joel step  out of the room and only Benji and Liv are left in the room Benji step up to Liv to get closer ( Benji) you don't know how happy I am that you picked me ( Liv) well I'm glad that you're happy because I made the right to. ( Liv) deeply and madly in love with you Benji Madden ( Benji) I couldn't have said it any better so am as he kisses  her. 

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