Chapter Three - La Mystery Man

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"Doubt thou the stars are fire!" her voice rose. "Doubt that the sun doth move. Doubt truth to be liar." But never. Doubt. I. Love." She paced around infront step by step of each line. Her hand held high while the other on her chest. Finally ending, "Courtesy of our beloved William Shakespeare. Bow."

Round baby-like face with cheekbones when she smiles. Twinkling blue eyes and pert nose. Long soft blonde hair draping on her back. And with that passion on what she does. Could Science and Literature possibly match when they collide?

The whole class stood up for a standing ovation. Our teacher was shedding tears probably because she heartily felt the dramatic sense of her speech. Which I think is too much drama. Some girls flashing her an envious look while some just admire her. And guys melting as they ogle at her.

"That was astounding, Trixie!" our teacher boasted as she motioned towards her her result paper.

"Why thank you Ms. Hamilton," her sweet voice sounds so serene. She was crouching and lowering her head, obviously shy and. Just being humble. Which. Is. Cute. I then gave myself a slap on the face.

She then went back to her seat while everyone's attention was on her. Especially me. And another slap on the face for me.

"Astounding?! You call that astounding?! Well I'm impressed, " Zeke rasped a whisper behind me. He's not convince. She may have the looks. But like what he'd always say, "Science is for science and won't ever go together with any other."

I just gave him a smirk as a response of reluctant agreement. No. Scratch that. I really think he's right.

"Eh-hmm-hmm-hmm." A voice crack out.

The class went quiet. All of us faced at the door to search for the person.

It was Mr. Arcenaux, our school principal and also our Science teacher. He then entered our room and broke off what Ms. Hamilton has been saying.

"May I interrupt for some couple of minutes? I have some very important announcements," his voice was stern and the way he talks to Ms. Hamilton sounds imperative instead of like really asking permission.

"Oh okay, sir," Ms. Hamilton said softly. Gush, she's too kind.

She then stepped aside to give way.

"As we all know..." He began to speak. "...this month is one of the most awaited months. We will be doing lots of activities. And as we also know that one of those is the...Science fair."

My back went straight up as my attention was caught. I listened then intently to each word he says.

Then he just went on and on.

"And now class, let us give a warm welcome to our special guest who will be one of our judges," his voice suddenly lightened.

All our eyes went to the door's direction again as where he's pointing. And as we looked to see. We saw a body figure of a man. And as the man finally entered and was recognizable, each and every person in the room has their attention caught.

I could then clearly hear even the tiniest sound of a paperclip that fell off the floor. We all went really quiet. Then, jaws were all dropped and eyes widened so large. All of us were speechless as the guest came in. Well, he's not just any guest.

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