Chapter Five - Stupid Cupid

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The day went from slow to fast. Slow from the moment I was gawking at Trixie during her recitation, and fast from the moment Mr. Arcenaux came to break off the class for important announcements. Then it all went slowed again as Dr. Allan Dumnah entered the room and introduced to us himself. Then fast pace again when Zeke got me back to my mind again and we were talking. Until the very moment when I dropped my stuff all over as I was fixing my bag and Trixie came to help around that everything went slow again. And fast and slow and fast and slow as everything went on.


"Ugh. Ouch!" I accidentally tripped to the side walk ground because of a small stone. Classes are over so that's why I am heading home. I've been holding my bike's handle as I move the whole thing with me and now it has all its weight on my body as it fell down.

Okay. I must have been in deep thoughts again. Great.

So I try getting up. I pulled out the bike making it stand a bit. And I try to get up with it when I heard a voice giggling from behind.

"You're so clumsy." That voice sounds familiar. I looked back. Trixie. I didn't notice she's been walking behind me. So I rapidly stand up, scratching the back of my neck. My body is now tensed and I don't know what else could happen. Embarassing.

"Hey Trix-" I was starting to stutter again. Oh no not again.

"Hey" her voice gasped. Her head tilted down at one side as she pulled out a smile. And her eyes were wide that it pierced mine. My eyes fluttered and I drop head down as I took a stepped back. I can sense the whole scene will turn out awkward.

"Hey umm...Don't mind if I join with you?" her voice sounds soft. Before I could answer her, she eventually skipped beside me. This made my body tensed more.

"Sure." That's all I could say.

She didn't look or face me but I see her lips twitching. She then smiled.

"Umm. So, how are you?" She suddenly breaks off. I now realized that I have been staring at her again and memorizing each of her distinctive feature. Now this is the moment I really need a slap on the face to get me back into my senses. Way the go, Luis.

"Ummm..Me? Well I...umm" The whole things getting worse. I couldn't even think straight. It's like I've forgotten all the vocabularies in my mind. "I'm good. I'm Good." After a moment's pause I blurted some words. I've finally got something to say. "Life has been good to me ever since..Yeah..Really," I forced a smile but I sudden realization came to me that I've been babbling nonsense.

I got myself off guard as she just giggled.

"No, umm... What I mean is, did it hurt?" She smiled embarrassingly as is like she could feel the embarrassment I have deep inside.

"Oh-" I realize I just lost track again.

"Yeah. ' just tripped off," she giggled softly.

"Ohh..Yeah..That, I see. Ohh it's nothing. I'm fine. Didn't hurt that much," I try to sound confidence and forced a smile on my face.

"H-well, good. At least you're good." She then faced me and smiled. My stomach clenched. I just looked away. But that was seriously a stupid response. Great.

I realized then that the moment has been really awkward so I finally took a deep breath to breathe in some air of confidence and lose out all the jerkish air that has kept me suffocated. And as I breathed out, "So," I said boldly but still sounding nervous a bit. "Seems like you like Literature, huh?"

"Well of course not," she giggled facing me. And it caught my attention as I also faced her. Stomach clenching, oh gosh.

"You dooo-?" 

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