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_______________Chapter 2 • Hold the Fucking Phone————————————

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Chapter 2 • Hold the Fucking Phone

Leo looked around her neighbor's house and noticed that it was quite similar to hers.
"I'll go make dinner." Daniel said as he scurried past her to the tiny kitchen.
"Kay." She replied as her eyes scanned the small room.

The house was well kept and had a few homely decorations. There were a few picture frames of what Leo assumed to be Daniel and his mother, a medium sized futon, a dude sleeping in the futon— wait, the fuck?

She slowly approached the sleeping body and soon noticed it was a guy who was not too bad looking. Of course, she instantly assumed that he was Daniel's boyfriend.
'Huh, didn't know he swung that way,' Leo thought as she observed the body. 'Goddamn though, this guy's hot as fuck. Give me some of that any day.'

Leo turned her head towards the sound of pots clattering from the kitchen as Daniel finished cooking. 'I should wake him up for dinner I guess.'

She squatted down and gave the guy a few gentle shoves.
"C'mon, you handsome fuck, wake up." Leo muttered. She soon got annoyed, and soon the gentle shoves turned into punches that would leave bruises for weeks.

"I've finished with cooking dinner." Daniel said as he stuck his head around the doorway. "I hope you don't mind—" Daniel suddenly collapsed onto the floor as Handsome McFuck swiftly sat up. "...Ramen.." McFuck muttered in a daze.

"Holy shit!" Leo exclaimed, eyeing Daniel's body lying on the floor. "What's wrong with him? Is he okay?" She ran over to Daniel, praying to Jesus that he was okay.

"What should I do? What should I do?" She muttered as she bit on her fingernail. "Call 911? No, I left my phone back home." Leo quickly took out another stick of gum, disposed of the old, and began rapidly chewing on the new as she began to panic. "Uhh, mouth to mouth? Wait— what am I thinking?! I could just slap this guy awake!"

Leo grinned proudly at her idea as she bent down to slap Daniel awake. 'Please let him wake up, I swear to Jesus, I'll give up being rude to my brother if it does.'

"W-Wait!" Cried out Mr Handsome McFuck before passing out. Daniel suddenly woke up with a jolt, hissing at the pain of Leo's hit.

"Actually, I lied about that promise, soz Jesus." Said Leo to herself as she sighed in relief.

"Hey! He wok— hold up, why the fuck is Handsome McFuck K.O-ed?" Leo noticed. "He was just awake??" Leo went up to the now unconscious body and turned to Daniel.
"Okay, hold the fucking phone!" Leo said as she looked back and forth at Daniel and the unconscious body. "What the actual fuck is going on here?"

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