Chapter 4: Emerald green eyes

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The next morning, Alice really felt like starting over. She had already forgotten last night's events. "It was probably me doubting, that Grace was dead" she thought. Now she really knew, she had to let Grace rest in peace and forget about everything related to her. Just as if it had never happened.

"Alice!" A bright voice woke her up.
"I didn't get a chance to introduce myself yesterday! I'm Lexi! We have math and art classes together!" Lexi seemed really... motivated.

Although making a new friend reminded her of her dead one, Alice let that feeling go and responded as excited as she could: "So happy to meet you Lexi!" Alice opened her mouth, but the school bell interrupted her. She finally said: "School cafeteria, lunch break?"

"Gotcha!" Lexi responded, while walking backwards. "And good luck on your bioligy test!"

Biology? Alice had totally for gotten about that.

When Alice stepped out of the classroom, Lexi was already waiting for her. Her chestnut brown hair was tied up into a quick messy bun and she was applying a second lipstick layer. "Sooo, how did it go?"

"Not bad" Alice said. It actually went pretty well. Of course she didn't study last night, after what happend... But she had already studied that chapter back in her old school in California.

"Oh, I'm sure you did well! I can see it in your eyes.." Lexi made a hand movement, pretending to be a seer. "Come on, let's take a seat, before they are all taken. " Alice agreed and they walked together to the cafeteria.

After Alice speared the last ravioli out of her plate and Lexi took a last sip from her no-calories smoothy, saying that she's on a diet, they started talking until they owned each other's trust and became good friends. And lost track of time, which made them jump out of their chairs as they heared the bell ringing.

While walking together to art class, someone bumped into them, while gasping. "Carefuuulll" Lexi almost screamed as her art book landed on the floor.

The boy stood up, looking pretty upset. "I am so sorry, it was clearly my fault, I..."
"It's ok", Alice said, while picking up Lexi's art book. They were about to leave, when her eyes cought that emerald tone of green in his eyes. They looked exactly like Grace's. "Alice, stop thinking about Grace! There is no more Grace. Grace is dead." said a strict, silent voice inside her.

"Everything ok? You seemed like in a rush" Alice finally asked.

"I was actually looking for my drama class. I'm new here..." he said with an irresistible smile on his face.

"I... ehm... I'm new here too.. from west... you know... California.."

"Third floor 5th door to the right" said Lexi "Come on Alice let's go or else we are gonna be late!"

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