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Hey! Ummmm.... Ya, so other people's diary are only sometimes going to come. I'm trying to focus mostly on Ellie ^.^ just wanted to tell u that it's Ellie's diary unless it says it's someone elses... Thanks! :D

Ps, I'm SOO stupid! XP haha I put the month as July even though they're in school! Haha sorry! (I'll change it)



It's Wednesday.... I'm still living.... Sh*t, oh sh*t! You're probably very confused... I'm shaking right now, omigosh......

It started on monday when my mom came home, finally....

I heard the door so I hollered "Kay?! Cash?! Joseph?! Hello?!"

"it's me" my mom said shakily walking into the living room where I was listening to music. "honey? Where were you this weekend? I came home Saturday and you weren't here.... I waited all day for you." she asked.

"wouldn't you like to know?" I smirked.

She groaned and said "shut up."

"you wish." I snapped. "why isn't it like before? Oh, right. Im not your beautiful, perfect child anymore! I'm just a blind piece of sh-" she cut me off.

"Ellanor Rancoe! You were never a beautiful perfect child! I hate you! I only kept you so I could use you're money! I was nice at first, because I wanted you to willingly give me the money! After you found out my job, I've treated you like this, because that's how people like me are treated! You're a whore and I'm sure you were being like me all weekend with your "friends"! You probably f*cked 'em all! Your a stupid, blind c*nt AND NOBODY WILL EVER LOVE YOU!"

I ran to my room and closed the door. Even I only saw darkness, I closed my eyelids. I had a lump in my throat and a whole in my heart. The words kept running over and over in my head.

"I hate you!"

"I only kept you so I could use your money!"


The last one played the most times in my head. I took a deep breath. Suddenly I had the urge to ask her the question that I was forbidden to ask. What happened to my dad and who is he?

I went back downstairs where Jackie (no, I won't call her my mother) was, still in the same place.

"what happened to my dad is who is he?" I blurted out.

"he was just a random customer.... You were a total mistake." my heart shattered in pieces. No, there was more than that, I know it. I was going to have to find out for myself....

That night I found my birth certificate in the attic. I saw the Last name I was originally named with.... Ontell.... Cash Ontell was my.... My half sister?!

The next day (yesterday) I rushed over to cash's house. Her dad opened the door.

"cash isn't here sorry, bye." he exclaimed about to shut the door closed when I just walked inside. How did I not notice that he looked so much like me....

"wow.... Your my dad...." I whispered. He grabbed me by putting his hand over my mouth and the other hand wrapped tightly around my body. Suddenly, it hit me. It was him.... His fault I was born, his fault I'm blind, his fault.... He was the man who pushed me in the lake, who kidnapped me....

Next thing I know, I'm in a small room with duct tape over my mouth. Thank gosh I always carry around my diary and pencil.... Omigosh I'm so scared! I need... Dash. I think.... I think I'm in love with him.... But nobody will ever love me... Bye.... If this is my last entry, then I love my friends and take care mom.... Goodbye world.... Goodbye....

.xx Ellie


I'm so evil! Haha 3:) I know there hasn't been much of her jobs.... More explanation later.... Thnx for reading and please comment or vote more!!! Thaaaaanks! VOMMENT!!!! :D

Update: this weekend or monday haha XP

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