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Chapter 3

"Even if you live on the side of the road with torn clothes and not a penny in your pocket, you will always have me

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"Even if you live on the side of the road with torn clothes and not a penny in your pocket, you will always have me. So try, my love. Try."


    When he woke up the next morning being picked up bridal style by BamBam, he felt completely empty. "Am I so disgusting you had to sleep in the floor?" The Thai joked, but there had been a nervous twitch to his tone. He hoped Chan would joke back, throw a witty remark back like he always does. Instead, Chan stares at him blankly, lips moving slowly and voice coming out in long drawls that showed just how sleep deprived Chan had been.

"You're hot. I needed to cool down and I fell asleep in the floor." The younger swallowed thickly, hearing the muscle of his throat move in his ears and his tongue came out to wet his lips but ended up hanging out of the corner of his mouth. Low, heavy pants puffed against BamBam's collar bone and Chan's head lolled off to the side and landed on the elder's shoulder. This unknowingly sparked alarm in BamBam's head, but he didn't let it show drastically.

"How about some breakfast, yeah?" BamBam hummed into the top of Chan's head, placing the tiniest of kisses there. An equally tiny smile creeped up on Chan's lips, nodding his head twice before burying it back into BamBam's shoulder. The elder slowly shifted him down so he was level with the couch and placed him down on the rough, hard cushion. BamBam placed a chaste peck to his burning cheek and heaved himself back into the kitchen in hopes of getting some food into Chan's system.

    BamBam purposefully made the meals slightly cooler in temperature to help cool Chan's body down but the younger could only handle so much food at once after not eating for so long. He didn't even finish half of his bowl before he groaned and set it down, lips tugged into a pout as he weakly massaged his stomach. "You ate more than last night. Progress right?" BamBam hummed, patting Chan's thigh before carrying the bowls into the kitchen. Chan didn't utter a word, doing nothing but staring at his reflection in the TV.

    Chan really thought he was going insane. He really believed his mind was making all of this up and he was becoming schizophrenic. This had all been a figment of his imagination, his loneliness affecting him to new degrees. Should he tell BamBam? Chan knew he would look at him as if belonged in an asylum if he explained everything, if he explained what his mind was making up to make sure he was less lonely. It would be dangerous for him to say anything. But what if he really needed help?

    Nimble finger tips grazed upon Chan's jaw and his gaze was shifted to BamBam's worried one. Chan hadn't even realized that BamBam sat back down. "What's wrong? You've been acting weird all morning." Chan gulped underneath the intensity of BamBam's gaze, flickering his eyes away. He was fully aware he needed to reassure his hyung if he wanted to make it out of this safely. So, he faked his affection partially and leaned into BamBam's hand, the fakest of soft smiles tugging at his lips.

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