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Chapter 7

  "But this is fixable

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"But this is fixable. There is a way that you two can be together, but it's going to be hard and chaotic."

THE RAIN FELL from the sky heavily, covering Chan's shoulders and head like a blanket. Seungmin was back at the shop, asleep and cuddled up with a pillow Chan had put in place of himself while Chan was out in the pouring rain trying to figure out why the fuck this strange person had decided to meet him when all hell had broken loose from the sky. If Chan knew that it was supposed to pour, he probably would have picked up a cheap umbrella from the store, but he was too close to the piers at that point to turn back and get one. So, he trudged through until he reached the benches and sat down.

    Chan could practically already feel BamBam shaking with anger if he knew that Chan was sitting out here in the freezing rain, and for a moment, Chan felt bad. Chan was aware of how much BamBam cared for him deep down despite him refusing to believe it, and here Chan was, on a rotting bench willing to collapse underneath him at any moment with rain coming down like a waterfall on his shoulders. However, it was too late for Chan to get up and leave, because out of the corner of his eye, he saw a figure approaching him. The closer the figure got, the more recognizable he became, and Chan froze up when he saw the face of none other than Han Jisung.

"You...," Chan trailed off breathlessly, a sense of betrayal evident in his tone. Jisung could only sigh sheepishly as he shifted the umbrella over his head so it was covering both of them. "You lied to me... What do you know, Han," Chan snapped angrily, ready to reach out and grip Jisung by the collar, but refrained from doing so. Despite the situation, this was still Jisung, the bright eyed boy who had helped Chan countless times before. The least Chan could do was hear him out. "Well?" Chan was growing impatient by the prolonged silence.

    Jisung heaved a heavy sigh and for once, for the very first time, Chan saw something deep within the younger's eyes that he never thought he'd see. Jisung's eyes seemed as though they held the stars within them. Jisung looked like he had lived for hundreds of thousands of years, and that pure factor seemed as though it took a great toll on him and Chan wanted to know everything about Jisung that he didn't know before. Jisung had seen things, all of the worlds around him countless times, and Chan knew that deep down, even if he chose to not believe it at first. "Channie Hyung, you and Minho are involved in something far greater than you know."

    He sounded exhausted, strained even. However, Chan couldn't focus on that, because Jisung knew Minho. He knew ABOUT Minho. "I know it's hard, trust me I know," Jisung hushed, playing with the matching ring he had with Jeongin on his ring finger. "But this is fixable. There is a way that you two can be together, but it's going to be hard and chaotic." Chan fell back onto the bench in not only shock but disbelief. How did Jisung know? Were him and Jeongin in the same situation? That would explain a lot considering Jisung just kind of appeared out of the blue one day with a pretty obscure story that just didn't quite make sense in Chan's head.

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