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Chapter 6

"Because if the In between ceased to exist, so would the worlds around them"

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"Because if the In between ceased to exist, so would the worlds around them"

IT WAS SO ungodly quiet that Chan could hear his neighbor's whispers through the wall when he woke up. He listened intently, only able to make out a few words, but Chan figured out that they had been talking about him. How Jisung and Jeongin were banging on his door, the screams that came from the apartment a few moments before the crash that followed suit. They truly believed that Chan had gotten into trouble with some of the more... questionable characters in the apartment complex. However, Chan could have swore the people mentioned flowers and his front door step, and Chan grew a bit too curious.

Despite the heavy feeling in his chest from last night's events and the anxiety creeping up on him at the thought of the note, Chan rolled out of bed and opened his bedroom door. For a moment, and only a moment, Chan felt like his head had been cleared. For once, he felt like a normal broke university student with a messy apartment. But the mirrors lining the walls and broken glass on the floor told him otherwise. Chan could have swore those mirrors hadn't been broken before he went to sleep, but as he looked around and saw mostly everything he owned sprawled about, it seemed as though an earthquake had hit.

The violent trembling of the world of dreams flashed back into Chan's brain and his breathing became ragged, completely forgetting about the flowers that happened to be on his doorstep. Chan stumbled over the broken pieces of glass, not even bothering to pick up the mess as he tried to quickly gather his things. As much as Chan really didn't want to, this was too weird for him to not talk to Seungmin about. So, with disheveled clothes and the now green book in hand, Chan was out the door, completely overlooking the large assortment of flowers right by his door and the odd, judgemental looks his neighbors were sparing him.

Chan didn't run, he didn't have the energy, but he walked with a fast pace and shoved by multiple people without even bothering to shoot them apologies. There hadn't been a point. But as soon as the familiar store was in view, Chan broke out into the run he believed he didn't have the energy for. He tugged open the door roughly, startling the boy st the counter and stormed up to him. Seungmin flinched when the book was slammed down on the counter, "What the fuck do you know?" There was a certain fire in Chan's eyes that Seungmin knew all too well, one that was in the gleaming evil eyes of those who tortured him when he was in school. Seungmin gulped and shifted his eyes down nervously.

Chan must have noticed the change in Seungmin's character, the fear trembling in his eyes, and took in a shaky breath before calming down considerably. "Seungmin.. How do you know?" Chan's tone was far softer now but Chan was not going to let Seungmin worm out of this one. Even if there had been a slight... buffer. Seungmin had insisted they go in the back to talk and Chan didn't mind, just as long as he got answers. However, the moment he sat down, the front door of the shop busted open and three boys came filing in. Seungmin seemed to pale considerably when one of them called out.

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