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Chapter 8

"Tell the council that Lee Felix is home

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"Tell the council that Lee Felix is home."

CHAN'S HEAD throbbed sharply. It hadn't been like a hangover, but a genuine, physical pain. A groan escaped his lips before he could even open his eyes, his hands going back to massage the aching bump on the back of his head. However, when his fingers grazed against a freezing cold ice pack, Chan hissed and flinched his hand back. It felt like his senses had been muffled but were hyperactive all the same. He could suddenly hear the breathing of a figure across the room and voices down the street. The sizzle of cooking grease made Chan flinch with every pop, so much to the point where he finally opened his eyes and realized he wasn't in his own home.

Chan's heart thumped in his chest, not quite remembering what had happened and why he wasn't at home or in Seungmin's shop. Chan lifted himself up too quickly, all the blood rushing in and out of his head in one fell swoop, and he nearly passed out all over again. But he tried to stabilize his uneven breathing and kept his head rested in the palms of his hands in hopes of it helping. Chan could feel a pair of eyes blazing holes into him, but he didn't dare to lift his head until he was ready to. The dizziness and aches faded so Chan weakly pivoted his head so he could look around, locking eyes with Yang Jeongin.

The young boy was in a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt he's seen on Jisung a few times, and he sat cross-legged in a lounge chair, sipping a porcelain cup of tea. Jeongin flashed him a calming smile, braces unexposed but the mesh peaking out above his top lip. "Morning, Channie hyung," Jeongin murmured, keeping his tone down as to not alarm Chan in anyway or make his headache worse. Chan greeted Jeongin with a grunt, rubbing his temples and catching the site of a steaming cup of tea in front of him. "It's yours. I felt like you were going to wake up soon. And keep the ice pack near your head, Jisung hit a little too hard last night–"

Chan cut off his rambling in his own mind, the mention of Jisung hitting him bringing everything back. He remembered bits and pieces of last night, but the only thing that really blurted out from his lips was something completely and utterly irrelevant to what the fuck was going on. "Shouldn't you be in school?" Jeongin stared at his hyung blankly, lips flat and eyes squinted in irritation. The sight was amusing to Jisung who stood in the doorway with his hand covering his mouth to prevent any noises from escaping and alerting his friend.

"You– That's really the first question you're going to ask me? Not 'where am I' or 'Why am I here?' Really?" Jeongin groaned, rubbing his hands along his face in disbelief. Chan shrunk back shyly, an embarrassed smile working it's way up on the slight blue of his lips. "You're really a dad. I'm not sure why I expected more from you really," Chan just shrugged sheepishly, cocking his head and waiting for an answer to his question. "I stayed home today, Hyung," Jeongin answered finally, watching Chan's lips twitch up for not even a split second before the robotic frown took back over.

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