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Chapter 4

"It felt as though the universe was letting them be themselves for a bit

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"It felt as though the universe was letting them be themselves for a bit. Allowing them to relive their innocence...together"

TIME AND TIME AGAIN, Chan was proven to be wrong in hoping for a better life. Every day after Chan woke up in the back of Seungmin's shop, he stopped in exactly 45 minutes before he was supposed to be at work and bought a mirror. Chan kept telling himself it was to make up for breaking the mirror with the blood red frame and passing out in the middle of his shop. But as the varied sized and shaped mirrors began to pile up in the corners of his apartment, even Chan couldn't believe the lies he was telling.

All of this had been for Minho.

And while Chan had an increasingly hard time believing Minho was real, he decided he would much rather live in a world where Minho 'existed' rather than the harsh reality of his actual life. So even when Chan realized that even he was lying to himself, his daily schedule didn't change one bit.

It was exactly 9:15 when the familiar chimes sounded at the door of the Kim's family shop, Seungmin not even bothering to look up from his phone. "Morning, Hyung." Chan hummed in acknowledgement, making a beeline for the wall of mirrors to his left. He studied every single frame with interest, keeping the weight of the money in his pocket in mind and choosing the cheapest mirror he could find. It was small, a gold painted trim with specs of orange underneath. It looked as if it had been sanded down or been roughed up one too many times.

But Chan never minded. Anything for Minho. The silver haired boy approached the front desk and coughed to gather Seungmin's attention, who was still pinned to his phone. "This is your 11th mirror..." Seungmin trailed off. He hadn't come off as judgemental, as he was more curious than anything. It made the younger more comfortable knowing Chan was buying mirrors and not some of the more.. questionable objects in the shop. Chan laughed nervously.

"Yeah... I need them for a project." It was a valid reason, but Seungmin didn't buy it for a second. He didn't pry though; Seungmin would look into it later once Chan had left. Seungmin held out his hand for the desired money and Chan nervously tugged out the money and counted it out, wincing when he realized he wouldn't have enough money for lunch today. Seungmin squinted his eyes when Chan reluctantly offered up the money, rolling his eyes and shoving it away.

"Just take it. My parents haven't been home for two weeks. Not like they'll notice." Seungmin insists, pushing the money back towards Chan when the elder didn't take it back. Chan wasn't sure if he was more uneasy with the fact that Seungmin's parents hadn't been home or that Seungmin was giving him the mirror, but he decided pretty quickly that it had been the first.

"You're home alone?" Seungmin was rather taken back by the concern in Chan's tone but didn't act on it in the slightest. All he did was merely shrug like it had been nothing. It wasn't like he wasn't used to it, even if it had been lonely at times. Chan nibbled on his lower lip, knowing he shouldn't ask but he wasn't comfortable with this 16 year old staying at home by himself for more than a few nights. "Would you mind if I hung out here after work? It's lonely at my apartment." It really hadn't been because BamBam was there, but if Chan was honest, he really didn't want to be around BamBam right now.

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