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Soooo that lovely scene ... So epic >.> even I gawked at it for a while.


Angels POV

Lately everything has seemed strange. I had a bad feeling something epic was coming. This made my stomach turn. Which... has been upset a lot. It's in the afternoon right now. And I'm currently sitting on the couch holding my stomach curled in ball next to Andrew. My stomach did an epic turn and I shot up running to the bathroom. And I... got rid of all the ice cream that was in me.

My tummy wasn't the worst though. Ever since me and Andrew.... you know... did the ...nasty.... my asshole had been hurting like hell. Which was last week. Andrew ran in the bathroom and held up my hair.

This can only mean one thing...

Something epic is coming.

And just like I thought. I watched as Angelica walked into the room and looked at me with sadden eyes. She knew that I knew something was about to happen.Its like I'm psychic or something... before something incredible happen my body acts weird. But this is the first time it acted this way.

Angelica voice sound shaky "Angel can I talk to you... you might want to sit down for this... It's possibly the reason you've been acting weird."

So what do you guy thinking is about to happen.

Dangerous Angel yoaiWhere stories live. Discover now