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.... You guys didn't help me so I had no choice but to do this....don't hate me you guys.... Hate the ones who just didn't give me an idea for so long and had me to give up cause I felt this story got no love so I'm giving it a sucky ending though this is not the ending it's coming very soon


Angel POV

We were at the fields, why? Because i wanna catch a squirrel and a lot of squirrels pop up around here..... just kidding it's because Lydia wanted to see the field.

I whipped the sweat off of my head and leaned even more into Andrews side. "What's wrong?" I looked down. " It's just a little hot and my head hurts a little bit." He frowned. "Go sit down I'll go get you something."

I sat down since....he already left. But my head started hurting a bit more. I looked up at the sky.... why is there two sun's.... I looked back forward to see Andrew running towards me with 3 bags of chips, 5 water bottles, 10 snickers, 6 Popsicle, 1 large set of fries... Small to me.... 3 burgers and what looks like a slice of pizza....

He finally made it to me and bent over panting. "E-eat - you need- t-t to g-g-ge-t something I-in your system." I looked at all the food. "You really suspect me to have this done in 20 minuets?" He looked at me confused. I rolled my eyes. "I'll get it done in 10 and you treat me to dinner later on." He just chuckled and watched me devour my food.

6 minutes later I only had 1 popsicle left. "I'm impress." I giggled. "I'm a growing boy after all." He rolled his eyes. "Hard to believe, I'm still caught up on if you have boobs cause your chest is most defiantly not flat." I shoved my popsicle into my mouth and pushed him on to the ground, me falling on top of him. "Try saying that ag-" My head ache came back full blast. I couldn't speak, I felt dizzy..... I can't move, I can't see... I CANT SEE! I fell over I'm not sure but I'm positive my whole body is shaking. I can't feel anything my whole body is numb... I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm scared, im scared. This hasn't happened in a long time.

....Like I said don't hate me for this but yeah... he didn't die.and no his eyes aren't blue

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2015 ⏰

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