18 - cheering up

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eighteen. cheering up

Sebastian 👀how does one cheer up asmol child named olivia?

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Sebastian 👀
how does one cheer up a
smol child named olivia?

Avalon 🥀
what the hell did you
do to my bestfriend?

Avalon 🥀
i swear you will become
scooter the neutered cat
if you don't tell me what
the hell happened? i'm not
going to wait for her to
text me now tell me.

Sebastian 👀
trevor is here in atlanta for
a few days so olivia wanted
to surprise him so i took her
because she texted me and asked
me to so i was like okay whatever.
then while she was up there i
waited for her and when she came
back down she was in tears and i
had no idea what the hell was
happening so i just took her to
the car and when we were farther
away from the hotel she told me
he cheated and she caught him
by the girl opening the door.

Avalon 🥀
i hope that dick is still there
when i get there because he
won't have a dick for much
longer. where is she right now?

Sebastian 👀
she's filming right now and i'm
trying to figure out how to not
make her cry when she's done.

Avalon 🥀
if there is one thing i know
about olivia, it's that she really
likes to cry. i mean she cries
over EVERYTHING. so there
is a high chance that once she
is done filming for today then
all she'll want to do is cry and
cry and cry and never stop. i don't
know if you have to film when she's
done, but if you don't, then don't
leave her whatsoever. stay with her
and let her know that she's wanted
by someone at least. put on monsters
inc and right after if she's still up
then put on mulan or the little mermaid.
it should work and if it doesn't
then hold her and buy her mcdonalds
and please, for the love of god, make
sure she isn't alone right now. if you have
to film, find someone to stay with her.

Sebastian 👀
thank you, avalon. really. i'll try
everything i can to help her
through this and i know that all
she probably really wants is you
so i'll do everything to the best
of my ability to cheer her up until
you get here.

Avalon 🥀
sebastian, please. take care of my
bestfriend because knowing her
she won't ever stop crying unless
someone is with her. tell her i love
her and i'll be there sooner than she
can imagine.

Sebastian 👀
i will. i'll take care of her.

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