35 - dog plans

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thirty-five. dog plans

Olivia 💖can we get a dog

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Olivia 💖
can we get a dog

Lizzie 💝

Avalon 💗

Olivia 💖
lizzie said yes so that means we
get a dog 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

Avalon 💗
i'm allergic to dogs

Olivia 💖
you're allergic to horses.

Lizzie 💝
i say we get a dog because olivia
would be a great mom pup.

Olivia 💖

Avalon 💗
it won't be that brilliant, but what
is it smol bean?

Lizzie 💝
i'm sure it will be a fantastic idea.

Olivia 💖
we each get our own dog. that way we
have three little rascals running around
the house.

Avalon 💗
okay that i'm down with.

Lizzie 💝

Avalon 💗
i want a husky.

Lizzie 💝
i call getting a german shepherd.

Olivia 💖
sign me up for a golden retriever.

Lizzie 💝
wait our babies are going to need
dads in their lives because i won't
know what to say when they grow
older and ask us who the daddy is.

Avalon 💗
well i already had a dad picked out
and i just texted him the plan so he's
on board with being the daddy to our
beautiful little husky baby.

Lizzie 💝
i don't know who to use as a daddy for
my little shep.

Avalon 💗
when will you pop the big question
to him olivia?

Olivia 💖
um what

Lizzie 💝
oh you know...ask sebastian to be
the baby daddy to your dog.

Avalon 💗
we saw you two yesterday on the
couch when we came home for
money for the groceries and to

Lizzie 💝
don't think you guys were slick
with the whole cuddling session
after i told him how you felt
about him.

Olivia 💖
sooooo lizzie who will be your
dog's dad?

Lizzie 💝
don't avoid us on this.

Olivia 💖
i'm not avoiding anyone. i'm just
trying to figure out who you are
gonna ask because jokes on you i
already asked seb and he said yes
and we're at a pet shelter now looking
for a little baby so 🤷🏻‍♀️

Lizzie 💝

Olivia 💖
it was all part of my plan. get you
guys to agree to getting dogs so
you wouldn't get mad at me for
getting one. guess it worked.

Avalon 💗

Olivia 💖
i prefer to be called ruler of all
that is evil, but i will answer to

Lizzie 💝
i see that greys anatomy reference.
now i gotta go and get a dog then
figure out a puppy dad so byeeeee.

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