39 - final goodbye

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thirty-nine. final goodbye

She sat with shaky hands as she stared at the machine beeping

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She sat with shaky hands as she stared at the machine beeping. It had been a couple of days since she got to the hospital to see her brother. For now, he was able to talk. He still wasn't able to move, but he was talking at least and even laughing. Caroline Casey had to leave for work even though she didn't want to, only the two kids made her leave and get her mind off of things. Isaac was currently asleep as she sat back in her chair with her shaky hands in her lap. The news was playing on the TV, but the only thing she could hear was the sound of the machine and her brother breathing.

Olivia wasn't paying that much attention to her brothers face rather than his heart beat going on the monitor. When he spoke up, a small gasp came from her out of shock and not even expecting him to be awake. "Stop staring."

"I am not staring. I am gazing." She responded looking over at the boy who was lying down in a hospital bed with his sidekick right beside him.

"Don't try to bring Elena Gilbert into this conversation. We have more important things to talk about." Isaac managed to get the words out making the girl perk up in an instant. He was right, they needed to talk about physical therapy and everything they would do to help him get better.

"Yeah, we do. We also need to talk to mom about finding you a good physical therapist for when you get out of this hell hole."

"I'm not talking about me, Liv. I'm talking about you. More specifically your love life."

"There's nothing to talk about when it comes to that."

"Exactly why we need to talk about it. Don't think that I didn't read that Tumblr post about you and Sebastian. I know everything, little sister."

"You don't know everything."

"Sure I do."

"Okay. What's the cure to cancer?"

"Well, I don't know that."

"Then you don't know everything." She retorted with a small smirk plastered on her face from being able to even talk to her brother. Olivia and Isaac had been together through everything. Isaac was like her brother and dad combined into one and it made her feel safe. Sure, she had a dad, but she never got to know him. When she was only two years old, Oliver Casey died from a stroke and left the Casey family heartbroken. Caroline got the worst of it, not even showing up to work and even forgetting about her kids one day. That's when the three moved into Oliver's parents' basement so that the grandparents took care of the kids while mom went to therapy and work.

"I know you though. I know when to tell when you like something or someone. Olivia, you like Sebastian and I get that you told him because you literally called me after you did, but still. I want you to be happy and he makes you happy. Tell him you want to be with him. Tell him that he is the guy you choose after I leave." Isaac said while moving his attention to see the blonde's reaction to his statement. Her mouth parted slightly like she was about to say something only sadness filled her eyes upon hearing the last sentence.

"You're not gonna leave, Isaac. You'll make it through this and you'll walk me down the aisle at my wedding someday. This isn't goodbye." Olivia got up and sat down on his bed glancing from her brother to the heart rate back to her brother. A small smile was on his face when they met eyes, her returning the smile.

"I always told you that the best birthday gift in the world was being able to get a little sister on the same day as my birthday. That will never, ever change. For the longest time, it has been us against the world along with momma." He reached up and put his hand on her cheek resulting in her leaning into his palm and holding onto his hand with tears filling her eyes. He was finally able to move after trying for days. She was there for it. "I need you to always remember that. Always remember that it's always going to be me and you against the world with momma. You gotta take care of her and everyone else."


"All I want is for you to be happy. Sebastian makes you happy, so go to him. Get the guy that I couldn't get, Liv. Do what I couldn't do. I love you."

"No. Don't say goodbye to me. This isn't goodbye, okay? You can't leave me."

"I know, sunshine. I have to though. This is what God wants from what grandma would say." He tried his best to reassure the girl with a small smile, but it wasn't going to work. Olivia was sobbing in his hand as she grabbed onto the other one. He let his hand drop from her cheek and smiled. "This isn't goodbye. It's a may we meet again. Say the saying from the show. Say it."

"In peace may you leave the shore. In love may you find the next. Safe passage on your travels, until the final journey to the ground. May we meet again." She choked out between tears before the sound of the flatline hit her ears. She started to sob more as a nurse walked in and shut the monitor off so they wouldn't have to hear it.

In that moment, everything in her left. She felt like she lost everything. Then she remembered the one thing the two would say after hearing of a death or watching a fictional death. Something that also came from the show the two watched together. "Yu gonplei ste oden." She sat on the edge of the bed crying into her hands as nurses started to pile in and try to take her away. All she wanted was her brother more than ever, but he was the one taken away from her.

author's note
of course i had to bring my favorite tv show into this. i hope you really enjoyed this chapter of sadness so i could prepare you for soft seblivia content. i love you all okay.

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