01. stranger

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      I was walking in the hallway going to my first period, ugh I hated English.  Our teacher was so rude and man was he old.

      Walking in I had noticed it wasn't Mr. Borone. Instead it was a new teacher, a younger teacher. A hot teacher. " Hello" he started. "Your previous teacher has unfortunately retired so I will be the new teacher. My name is Mr. Harmen. I am 25 years old. And I do not take crap from anyone." To be honest after he said he was only 25 I stoped listening and completely started day dreaming.

      I guess he noticed because he had come over to my desk and when I looked up he was staring straight at me. His beautiful blue eyes. His perfectly messy hair. And he dressed nice to. He had a baby blue button down dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up. Black jeans and black van high tops.

      "Excuse me ms., can you repeat what I had just told the class?"  "No sir, I am sorry but I can not." "Well then you will have detention after school today. I will see you there." He said with an evil smirk on his face.

      Normaly I would argue or complain but any time alone with him even in detention I would take. " yes sir." I replied.

      He went on with the lesson and from then on I payed attention to him. When the class had ended I had gathered my things and started heading for the door when I was stoped.
      "I need to see you when the rest of the class leaves Ms. May." He says in a loud shout. I just roll my eyes. Man this teacher was pushy. "Yes sir." I replied.

      The rest of the class had left and he shut the door and locked it. "Can you tell me what seemed to be distracting you during class Emma?" He leaned in forward a bit he was so hot he made me want to pull him into me and kiss him. "N-n-no s-sir im s-s-sorry it won't h-happen again."

      "I will be seeing you later Emma May. Don't be late." "Y-yes s-ir." I managed to spit out.

      The rest of the day was so slow it felt like we were going backwards.

      The school day finally ended. I was ready to go home. I had almost forgotten about my detention in till "Emma my office please." Shit I totally forgot. He had changed out of his button down and was now in a light grey t-shirt. It hugged his body tight enough to see his abs. He made it so hard for me to spend time alone with him.
Warning sexual content if you do not like sexual activities then skip the rest of the chapter please.

      When I got in the room there was a large desk in one corner and another lonely desk in the other.

      "If you can tell me what was distracting you I will not punish you but if you can not tell me I have a hole pile of work just calling your name." He said. "I don't know if what was distracting me is appropriate to talk about sir." I replied.

      "Oh I see, so that thing that was distracting you was sexual?" "Yes sir. I am afraid it was." He looked straight at me. Damn he was so sexy I couldn't resist.

      I stood up from my seat and put my hand on his chest. Leaving only a few inches between us. "I was thinking of all the things I want you do to me sir." I see his pants get tight. I lower my hand just a bit and look back at him.

      He started to sweat and looked very nervous. "Emma..." "Shhhh." I said gently. "Emma stop if you don't stop I won't be able to help myself." I ignore everything he just said and lowerd my hand until my hand was on his slightly hardened cock.

      I unzip his pants and he let out a huge gasp. "Emma stop" he said again "if you do this I won't be able to help myself." He said.

      "Maybe I don't want you to be able to help your self Mr. Harmen."

      I slowly lift my shirt and his cock instantly gets bigger. "Look what you are doing to me Emma. Stop." I again ignore him and throw my shirt on the floor.

      I close up the small space that was between us before I put my hands on his hips. "Emma" he moans. He grabs my waist tightly. He lifts me off the ground and slams me onto his desk. His lips clash into mine with a heavy force causing me to fall backwards. He takes off his pants compleatly. He took off my short shorts and ran his fingers around the out side of my panties. He teased me a bit. Running his fingers around my panties but not doing anything else. I was so impatient. "I want you in me Mr. Harmen." He chuckled a little. "Oh Emma, so eager. But before I touch you there you have to know no one can know about us. Understood?" "Yes sir." I mumble." "Now baby tell me what you want me to do and I will do it." I didn't say anything I just let out a moan. "Well if you don't choose then I will choose for you." He said slipping his fingers underneath my panties then out again. "God Emma you are so wet." He said putting his fingers back in my panties.

      Finally after what felt like an iternity of waiting he slips one of his fingers in me and I let out a soft moan. "Mr. Harmen" he pulls it out slowly and adds a second finger. I flinch when he adds a second finger. He hessetates "dose that hurt to much?" He asks slowly pulling his fingers out of me.

      Before he could get his fingers fully out I stop him and slide them back in still in pain. It hurt like hell but I liked it to much to tell him to stop.

      He took his fingers out slowly and pulled off my panties. He shoved his dick in me and I moan. He pulled it out after a few thrusts. He looked at me waiting for me to say something. I didn't say anything. I put my hand in his hair and pushed his head deep between my thighs.

      I can feel him smile. He kissed me there and started to pull his head away. I pushed him back in and wraped my legs around his shoulders so he could not pull away.

      "Emma." He moand. I push him deeper until he finally dose what I want him to do. He kissed me again and stuck his tongue out and licked me. I pushed him even deeper. His tongue inside me.

      "Emma its time to go its been three hours." "Kiss me one more time down there." I said he did and that kiss turned in to ten extra minutes of him licking me.

      He tried to get up and I pushed him back in. "Emma we really have to stop right now."

      I release him and let him get up. I stood up with nothing but my bra on. I found my clothes and managed to put them on before Mr. Harmen did. I watched him get dressed and it was hard because all I wanted to do was rip all of the clothes off of him.

      As he finished getting his pants back on I walked over and hugged him from behind. "Can you drive me home?" I asked. "Sure baby." He turnd around and kissed my lips.

      On the way home we made small talk "so Mr. Harmen..." "Please Emma call me Lukas." He said cutting me off. "Ok Lukas so, um, what is this? Me and you." I ask. "Well I was hoping we could be more than friends. But its gotta be a secret."

      "I would love to be more than friends with you." I replied

      We reached my house and I get out quickly after kissing him goodbye and go inside.

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