08. its a boy

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Its been five months since school started and I finally look like I'm pregnant. Lukas put his two weeks notice in and I'm sad about that. But tomorrow we get to see the baby's gender, we could have a baby Lukas Jr.

I haven't been wearing skirts or dresses to school lately. I've been wearing sweat pants and flip flops.

      I was trying to get all of my work done early today hoping the day would go by quick but it was not moving quick at all. I'm in third period right now listening to my mathematics teacher speak about his trip to the Bahamas.

      That nasty bruise were Cassandra had punched me a few months ago.

      The day had finally ended. Lukas and I are at Wal-Mart looking for spit rags for the baby when we see my brother.

      He walked up to us. "Hey, Emma. I am really sorry about what happen a few months ago. I wanted to talk to you sooner but mom wouldn't let me leave the house. I want to be a part of my nephew or nieces life please." He sounded so sad when he talked. I shot a weird look. And his eyes told to trust my brother so I did.

      "Ok." I started. "Tomorrow we will get to see the baby's gender if you want to come around 12:00pm." "Ok I will be there." He was so sweet I love my brother even if he is a total assface sometimes.

      We got home late and got ready for bed. I snuggled up close to Lukas. "Lukas. Why do you trust my brother so much after what happend?" I asked Lukas. "Every one deserves a second chance." He replied.

      When I woke up the next morning Lukas was already up a cooking breakfast. I love Lukas so much.

      I got out of bed and put on jeans and a t-shirt then went to great Lukas.

      When I got to the kitchen Lukas had put our breakfast on a plate and set it on the table. I walked up to him and hugged him from behind. "Good morning beautiful." Lukas said.

      Lukas is still in his pjs when we finish breakfast. "You should probably get dressed, we have to go soon." I told him as I clean up our dishes. "Ok baby." He replies as he gets up from the table and walks over to me. He runs his hands down my sides and locked on my hipshe kissed my neck softly and I tilted my head to make it easier for him.

      "Ok, ok go get dressed we have to go." I say between small giggles.

      A few minutes later Lukas comes out of the bedroom wearing the same thing I was. Jeans, a navy blue t-shirt, t-rex socks, and black high top vans. I laughed a little when he didn't realize he matched me.

      We got to the doctors office and waited for it to be our turn. Eventually it was our turn. We went to the back room and I sat on the table. The doctor asked me a few boring questions before we got to do anything.

      The doctor found two arms and two legs and the moment I have been waiting for for five months... "Its a girl." The doctor said in amused. We got the pictures printed out and as soon as we got out of the doctors office I cried tears of joy.

      We went to Wal-Mart and bought some baby girl clothes. We bought a pink onesie that said silly daddy boobs are for babies and a blue onesie with pink roses on it.

      When we got home we called my brother because he hadn't showed up to the appointment like he said he would and he didn't answer.

      "How could he do this? He really made me believe he was going to show up but no and he doesn't even answer the damn phone to tell me the fuck why." I said angrily.

      Sorry this chapter took so long and is a little short I have been really busy lately but I hope you enjoy what I wrote anyway. Bye.

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