15. Happy first birthday

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      May 13th 2018
      I wound up dropping out of high school because we couldn't afford daycare and I didn't want to leave her for that long anyway.

      I am now 20 years old and Lukas is 27 years old today is my birthday that means tomorrow is Devie's first birthday. I am so excited. She can say a few words like mama, dada, baba, and I which actually means hi. Oh yea she says no to everything even if she wants it.

      For my birthday Lukas framed our family photo we took a week ago with Deven, Lukas, carrot, and I were dressed like we are on a ranch it is really cute.

      We have decided to have Deven's birthday party at the house. We have pink and yellow balloons, pink and white ribbons and streamers, we have a white onesie that says one on it with a cupcake and a pink tutu.

      We have everything set up out side now we are waiting for the gueats to arrive. Three presents are already on the table From me and Lukas.

      Lukas and Devie were running around in the field out side our house when guests started to arrive.

      Soon everybody was here. Miley, Linnwood, My mom, my aunt's and uncles, my grandparents, His parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and some old teacher friends.

      We all gathered around to watch our beautiful baby smash her cake and smear it all over her face. We all took four of five pictures then we move onto presents.

      Lukas and I helped her unwrap her gifts. She got a giant stuffed horse from Miley and Linnwood, a baby doll from My mom, and clothes from all of our other family and friends except for our gifts. We got her a different baby doll, a crib and, a stroller.

      We were all hanging out and having fun some people were chasing Devie around the field and others were sitting around the table talking.

      The people started to leave now it was just us three and carrot.

      Lukas walked over to me with Deven hugging his neck sleeping. "We should probably take her inside." He said.

      We put her in her 'big girl bed' so she could sleep. "Good night baby girl sleep well."

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