06. Suspicious

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      Lukas and I are getting ready for school. Now that we both have been out for a day and a half we have a lot of catching up to do.

      I wore a yellow dress and white flip flops and Lukas wore black jeans, and a tight blue shirt and his vans. He was so sexy. He walked up and hugged me from behind "are you ready for school yet Emma?" He started lifting my dress and feeling me. "Your always so wet. Who is doing this to you?" He asked. I turned around to face him. "You baby." I kiss him once and then we leave to go to school.

      Whe we arrived I walked in first and all of my friends come rushing over to me all asking the same question. " where were you yesterday Emma?" " oh I was just out sick."

      A few seconds later Mr. Harmen walks in the door. I bite my lip. I tried so hard not to stare but I couldn't help it. He was just so fucking sexy oh my gosh.

      I was having a nice time talking to my friends when Cassandra walks in.

      "I think its funny you left the same time Mr. Harmen did and came back the exact same time to." "So" I said aggresivly. She leaned in close "your up to something and I will find out about it." Lukas is already in his room waiting for the bell to ring so he didn't see any of this.

      I tried to leave and Cassandra punched me in the stomach really hard. Some random girl saw it and came over to help me because I was lying on the floor clutching my stomach.

      She took me to the nurse I got ice. I arrived late to class but I had a hall pass so it was excused. Cassandra starts laughing with her group of friends and I go sit in the back corner of the room were I used to sit before I met Lukas.

      I was only in class for like 30 minutes before the bell rang. "Mr. Harmen can I speak with you please?" "Sure thing." He said smiling.

      The rest of the class left and I closed and locked the door behind them. I walked over and hugged him really tight. "What is wrong Emma?" He asked as he squeezed me tighter. I backed up a bit and showed him the giant purple bruise Cassandra left when she punched me.

      He looked a mixture of sad and angry. "Who the hell did this to you?" There were tears rolling down my cheeks as I said her name "Cassandra." "Why?" he asked. "She knows something is going on between you and me and she said she would figure it out I tried to walk away and she punched me hard in my stomach. It really hurts I think something is wrong." He hugged me again tightly.

      We spent our free period together. This was really supppsed to be my lunch but I was not hungry at all. I caught up with all of the school work I missed.

      I had to go to my next class now so I have to say goodbye to Lukas. I walked up to him and hugged him. We didn't say anything as I walked out of the room"What were you doing in there Emma?" Cassandra asked. "School work." I said nastaly walking away.

      She followed me up the hallway. I turned around "you know for someone who dosnt like me you sure do follow me a lot." I said and walked away.

      After the day ended I waited for Lukas out by his car. Ten minutes later he walks out with armfuls of papers. I opend the door for him to help him out a bit. I walk around to my side of the car and got in.

      Before starting the car he looks over at me. "Does your stomach still hurt?" "Yea" I said trying to hold back tears. He slides over and hugged my and I cried on his shoulder. "What if there is some this seriously wrong!" This scared the shit out of me.

      He kissed me then pulled out of the school parking lot. We still had three hours until our doctors appointment and Lukas painted the babies room yesterday morning so that should be dry. We decided to start building the baby's crib. And changing table.

      We put it all together and got to the doctors on time. "What's is this from?" The doctor asked. "I got punched in school." I replied. The doctors asked no more questions. We saw the sonogram and got pictures printed out. Lukas and I were really excited. Nothing was wrong I just was in a lot of pain from where she punched me.

      We didn't do much after that because it was laye when we got home.

      The next morning Lukas and I decided to walk in different doors. When I got in the building Cassandra walked up to me. "Hey I'm sorry for punching you, do you want to go to a party tonight?" She asked me in a weird tone.

      "No my mother is coming home and we have dinner plans." "Oh ok then bye." Some of the teachers asked Lukas to he said "but I turned them down because I want to meet your mother." A smile crosses my face. He actually wanted to meet my mother.

      I had his class now so I was excited I got the seat right in front of his desk again. And of course I was wearing a dress and lacey pink panties.

      I teased him again this time he looked desperate to come over here and touch me. He looks away and starts teaching "for the few people that didn't finish the test a couple classes ago you will be finishing that and the rest of you will start on part two."

      He passes out the papers and is back to looking under my desk. I loved teasing him. I sliped my hand under my panties then back out again. He looked like he was scared that he might so something in front of the class.

      I raised my hand to get help on a question and he told me to come to his desk.

      I walked behind his desk and knealed down. He helped me with the problem and wile he was doing so he touched me. "Why are you wet baby?" He asked. "Because your touching me." I replied.

      I pushed his had into my panties. "Do you like that baby?" He asked. "Yes I do." "Good."



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