10. lets go

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      When I woke up this morning the sun was shining and carrot was licking my face. "Lukas I thought we agreed that the dog was going to stay on his bed and not be allowed up here!" I said with a strong voice. Lukas looked at me with a guilty face. "I am sorry but he kept wining and giving me a sad puppy stare." Lukas said showing the sad puppy stare.

      The dog copied the stare and now I had two bid babies giving me the sad puppy dog eyes. I just rolled my eyes and got out of bed.

      I put the yellow sun dress from yesterday on and Lukas went to go let out and feed carrot.

      I walked down stairs and kissed Lukas. "Can you drive me to school please?" I asked sweaty.  "Sure baby."  He said kissing me again.

      Lukas droped me off at school. I kissed him and got out of the car. Miley (random girl that helped me when Cassandra punched me) and I are really good friends now. We were walking to class when she noticed my ring.

      "What the hell when did this happen?" She asked. "Calm down Lukas asked me yesterday." I said. "MR. HARMEN ASKED YOU TO MARRY HIM?" "Yes." I said. "Well its about time considering your pregnant with his baby. Congradulations." "Thanks Miley." I said laughing.

      We made it into English class and we had a sub because Lukas quit when I got a thriving pain in my back and stomach. I sat down in my seat and texted Lukas. 'I am having bad stomach and back pains.' I said. 'get Miley to drive you home after English. I love you and happy 19th birthday.' He replied. 'ok I love you to and thank you :)' "Emma please pay attention." The subsatute said. "Yes sir." I replied.

      English class ended and it was lunch time. Miley and I were just about to walk out the door when we were stoped. "Oh hey Emma you look bigger than usual." Cassandra said. "Yea that's because I'm pregnant." "Oh sorry I just thought you got FAT." She said. "Whatever lets go Miley." I said as we walked out the door.

      We got out of the car at my place. "Thanks Miley you want to come inside?" I asked. "No thank you I have to get back to school. Bye." "Bye Miley." I said with a weak smile.

      I walled into the house to be greeted by carrot. "Hey buddy. You want to go out side?" Carrot ran to the back door and I let him out.

      I let him back inside and went to take a bath. I went upstairs and Lukas was cuddled up in blankets on the bed until carrot came and woke him up. "Hey baby how are you feeling?" He asked in a tired voice. "Horrible." I replied laying beside him on the bed.

      He hugged me and kissed my forehead.  I fell asleep with carrot on my legs and my head on Lukas' chest.

      I woke up when the clock said 3:00pm with the back and stomach pain worse than before. There was also pee all in the bed. My first thought was that the dog had peed but then I realized my dress and underwear were soaking wet.

      "Lukas, Lukas wake up."  "Yes baby?" He asked he rolled over and draped his arm around me and his eyes got really wide. He jumped up. "Carrot." He said. "No Lulas that was me." I said embarrassed.

      He calmed down a little bit. "Are you ok?" He asked. "Yes. I will sit down for a bit and if I still feel like this later we will go to the hospital." "Ok." He replied.

      We ate snacks and dinner and all three of us cuddled up on the couch watching movies. 

      Three hours past and I still have those bad pains in my back and stomach.

      Lukas called the doctor and he said for us to come in and he will see what is happening.

      We got our shoes on and took carrot to Miley's house because she offered to watch him for us.

      We had just gotten back into the car to go to the hospital. "Are you ready?" Lukas asked. "Lets go." I replied

........................................................................   Sorry for the only 737 word chapter the next one will be longer hopefully and more exciting. Bye.

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