Chapter 11 - Road Tripping to Encinitas

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"She said, "Do you love me?" I tell her, "Only partly" I screamed as God's Plan blasted out of the car speaker in our rental open air jeep. "I only love my bed and my momma, I'm sorry
Fifty Dub, I even got it tatted on me
81, they'll bring the crashers to the party" rapped Bea alongside Drake. "And you know me
Turn the O2 into the O3, dog
Without 40, Oli, there'd be no me
Imagine if I never met the broskies" we yelled all together at the top of our voices, the sound being drowned out by the air rushing past as we drove speedily down the highway, having the time of our lives singing along rather badly to our summer playlist. We were almost in Encinitas.

"Yo Alix what's Mark's address" shouted Tessa. "What?" I replied, unable to hear her because the wind was too loud. "What's the address?" she asked again. "Huh" I responded, still not understanding what she was asking. "The address!" she yelled forcefully . Oh the address. "It's in the sat nav" I yelled back as I was suddenly pushed to the side of the car as Anastasia changed lanes to exit the highway. I slammed into the door handle. "Oomf" I clutched my side as the others just laughed at me. What great friends. I thought sarcastically.

15 minutes later we pulled up to a nice looking, not-too-modern, not-too-old, two-storey house that overlooked the beach. It was on a quiet street, there were only a few people walking around, some people skateboarding on the road, some people were walking their dogs, the rest it seemed were all at the beach. I squinted at the sea-shore as I got out the car, spotting some surfers catching some waves, while people looked on and cheered. I smiled, excited at the prospect that I too would be one of the surfers. I slammed the car door behind me and made for the door of the house, the others following behind. "Someone's eager" commented Anastasia, making me slow down my pace suddenly. I didn't want to seem too eager, although on the inside I was bursting. My heart was beating rapidly at the thought of seeing Mark. And my lips tingled at the prospect of being kissed by him. I stood in front of the front door and rung the doorbell decisively, taking deep breaths to slow my breathing and the butterflies in my stomach.

A few seconds later, a familiar face greeted me as the door was swept open. "Darcy!" I squealed and gave him a massive bear hug. He responded just as eagerly, almost squeezing the breath out of me. After he released me, he ushered us all inside, giving the others quick hugs as greeting. I admired the decor of the house as I stepped inside. It was simply made up and a little messy because after all it was a house currently only filled with guys, but it had a chill vibe to it. Darcy walked us into the sitting room, where we were greeted by Seb and Ståle engaged in an arm wrestling match on the coffee table. There faces were bright red with exertion and they emitted loud grunting noises as they both battled it out. "How long has this been going on?" giggled Anastasia. "Bout 5 minutes. As you can see they're still going" Darcy replied grinning. "I've hedged my bet on Ståle". Just as he said that, Seb's arm collapsed on the table, the strain too much for him.

Ståle whooped in victory and came over to us giving us all slobbery kisses on the cheeks. "Yuck Ståle!" I groaned, wiping the moist off my cheek with the back of my hand. He grinned at me. "Yoooo" said Seb, having recovered from his defeat, as he made his way over to give us all hugs. "Boys come help us with the bags" ordered Bea, ushering then outside to collect our things from the trunk of the car. "Let's let the boys do the heavy lifting" laughed Anastasia as we watched them struggle to carry our multitude of heavy bags filled with all the things we needed for our round the world trip. They deposited them near the entrance, breathing out heavily.

"Where's Mark?" I asked them, wondering where he was since he hadn't appeared yet. I had expected him to be one of the first to greet me and I was disappointed that he hadn't been the one to open the front door for us. And we'd already been here 5 minutes and he still hadn't appeared. Just as Seb was about to reply, I felt arms snake around my waist and a voice in my ear whisper throatily "I'm right here". The sexiness of his voice made me shiver. I turned around slowly to face Mark, his hands now resting against the small of my back. He had a huge smile on his face as if he was very happy to see me. "Hi" I said and not letting our eyes break contact, I leaned in to kiss him. Our mouths exploded with tingling sensations as our lips connected and I sighed deeply into the kiss. Finally.

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