Chapter 15 - Spaghetti à la Snowboarder

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"What's for dinner?" asked Anastasia the second we stepped into the house. "Ummm....pasta?" replied Seb "Check the cupboards". Throwing his stuff on the ground in the entrance, he walked straight into the bathroom, with obviously no intention of cooking. Tessa and Bea disappeared upstairs to take a shower, and Anastasia followed them, despite the fact that she had asked to eat. I shrugged my shoulders, "I guess we'll have to cook" I said to Ståle and Mark. "Sure" they replied, following me into the brightly-lit kitchen.

Mark put on the water while I searched in the cupboards for the pasta. "Aha!" I exclaimed, "Found so spaghetti or penne?" I asked the others, holding up the two different types of pasta for them to see. "Spaghetti" decided Mark. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" interrupted Ståle suddenly, slapping Mark on the back loudly. He laughed. "Yup" said Mark. "Am I missing something here?" I asked the two goofs who were grinning widely about pasta for some reason. Mark ran up to me and grasping my two hands said, "Alix we are going to treat you to our famous spaghetti à la snowboarder". Dead seriously I might add. I grinned at him - he looked so cute when he was serious. I cupped his face with both my hands and leaned in for a quick kiss. "Okay" I told him , smiling, when I pulled away. "You wait and see" he winked at me.

The boys got to work, getting a ton of random stuff and pouring it into a big pan - tomato sauce, bacon, tinned tuna, olives and fresh tomatoes. This is going to be one interesting dish. I thought to myself as I laid the table. When I was done I just sat observing the boys at work. They were very into it, stirring the mixture in the pan enthusiastically and paying close attention to make sure the pasta water wasn't boiling over, except they left a lot of mess. Sauce was smeared on the kitchen counter, pots and pans were scattered all over the place and bowls cluttered the sink. At least the others were the ones who were going to have to clean up.

"Is it ready yet?" I whined, "Mark I'm hungry'. "Almost done baby" he told me, stopping briefly to give me a quick peck on the lips. I smiled, my eyes following Mark's body as he turned round to empty the pasta out. I could see the outline of his back muscles through his tight black T-Shirt...Damn. I would love to see that shirt off him and on the floor. I was interrupted out of my thoughts by Mark presenting me with a plate of his 'Spaghetti à la Snowboarder', a huge grin was plastered on his face as he waited in anticipating for my reaction. Ståle hovered just behind him, both faces trained on me. It smelt good.

I twirled some spaghetti around my fork and had a mouthful. A burst of flavour filled my mouth. "Shit this is really good" I told them. "And coming from an Italian that's a pretty big compliment!" They laughed. "Told you it would be good" Mark said to me, licking his lips as he dug in. The others were still showering so we decided to eat without them - no point in eating cold pasta. They could warm theirs up in the microwave.

"Uhhh I've had enough" I groaned loudly, as I pushed my plate towards Mark. He could eat the rest. Both hands on my stomach, I cupped my bloated belly that was trying to escape my shorts and exhaled loudly. "You look pregnant" laughed Ståle jokingly. "I do don't I?" I agreed with him, "But who cares I love carbs way to much" I told him. "And you're still gorgeous" interrupted Mark giving me a cheeky wink. I blushed.

When we were done we cleared our plates and put them in the dishwasher. Just then the others came waltzing in to the kitchen. "Took you long enough" I commented, "Especially you Seb!" "I was FaceTiming Marie (his girlfriend)" he told me. "Foods in the pot" said Ståle. "Now I'm going to shower". He got up and left. I took that as my cue as well to go shower. I was awfully sandy and it was starting to itch. Mark got up and followed me out.

"Um do you mind if I use the upstairs shower after you?" he asked sweetly even though it's his house. "Sure you can" I replied, but feeling confident added, "However if you want we could just hop in the shower together - you know conserve water and all". I can't believe I just said that. Play it cool, play it cool. Don't blush Alix. Mark looked taken aback for a second, but quickly recovered. "Hmmm I think I like the second idea more - you know it's better for the environment" he smirked. "Oh totally" I grinned and led him upstairs.

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