Cut that Cord

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Y/n's Pov

              As we get to my house I see the van...I gulp and sigh and quickly squeeze Zane's hand tightly and DASH behind the house Zane confused running with me. As we get to the back he looks at me with confusion written all over his face I step back to the woods feeling a hand grab mine and I shudder and my eyes flip colors...Black to y/e/c

           "Y/n..You ok?" Zane cautiously asks and I kick the person behind me, knowing who it is...

              "Y-yeah!" I stutter, "I...Just wanted to kiss you one last time.." I mutter quietly...and he grabs my hand pulling me closely and kisses me as his arms drop around my waist and back and mine go to his hair... This was our saddest kiss...The goodbye one... I know they will cut my contact...I know it...Every time i get attached i move...I leave...I get tricked or snatched away... This one matters though..I have friends here...I have Zane here... He doesn't know how far we are moving and I don't want to tell him....

        ' Lets...Just savor one last kiss...' I think to myself as he breaks away resting his head on my forehead.. "I will always love you, ok? I will call you every day and tell you about everything going on here...Will you do the same for me?" He asks, his eyes boring into mine... I nod.."I can try.." I shakily say and Dave calls my name. I sigh and lead Zane with me and halt as I get to the doors...

           I. Need. To. Let. Go

           I sigh, letting go of Zane's hand sadly... Grabbing him last time...One last kiss...One last time..


I pull away breathing in one last time, "Bye Zane.."

             "Bye, Y/n..." He kisses me softly on the head and Lily motions me into the car...

as the truck starts up I wave to Zane and he waves back as we drive...Leaving the place I called my hell and then my heaven. I wonder what the future will hold..

Cuts That Spell  Zane x Reader {Massive Editing}Where stories live. Discover now