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I got tagged by , and I can't be a decent pers 

and I'm a bad and wont just put this in the conversations xD.

I have no one to tag so...First to comment or something you are tagged idk xD

wAIT! @ColourFullUnicorn has been chosen. All hail the chosen one xD

Favorite Song: God I have so many! I can't pick! One i keep listening to rn is "Be Alright" Song that makes you cry: Hmm..Goodbye love from Rent or Only us only this from rent.Least favorite song: God I don't even know, Hmm..Honestly can't name any bc I just don't listen to it if I don't like it...So any JB song that was his own not a collab. Last song you listened to: Listening to Black Sheep while writing this so.Favorite Song/Band: Melanie Martinez, P!ATD, Favorite classical composer: God I love so many of them!Favorite song from the 1900s: None from the 1900s.Do you play instruments?: Clarinet, Going to Learn Violin and Piano.Do you sing?: Yes. I'm in Chorus, I love musicals so i audition and etc so yeah xD.Have you ever memorized a song? If so, what song(s): OOOH ALOT! Every Hamilton song, Micheal in the bathroom, more than survive, Chicago songs, DEH songs, tomorrow from Annie, Every Rent song, every Heathers song. So many more tooFavorite Musical: God...Chicago, Rent, Hamilton, Heathers, DEH, BMC, Annie, HSM, alot more xDHave you ever been in a musical?: Yes actually, a few. I was in one of my school plays: Annie (Side singer and I was a photographer), I was in Gypsy at my towns opera house but I didn't sing (I was shy xD), and in Highschool musical that my school held in 5th grade.

  Well thanks and bye xD

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