Chapter nine

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Chapter nine

This is my friends story, I think it has great potential and so I'm puting it up on here to see if you guys like it :D. Her name is Gabby and if you want to check her out heres her Deviant Art:

This is where the story gets realy exiting :D Enjoy!


With her eyes scrunched shut, Amelia wandered her hands down to her feet.

A slight touch was all it took to make the pain ascend through her fragile body.

Her fingers scanned over her soles and toes, wiggling her big toe with her thumb and finger.

"It worked?" Amelia, with one eye open, gazed down at her soft, pale feet.

"IT WORKED!" she screamed with delight, as she kicked her legs up in the air, and landed back onto the dry patch of grass on her back.

"Best spell caster in the world" she joked to herself as she started to close her eyes slowly under the blue, cloud invaded sky.

Just as she was about to drift into a deep sleep, a shadow lingered over her face.

"AMY WAKE UP!" screamed a high pitched voice.

Amelia jerked up, and sat upwards with a shocked expression slapped across her face.

Sniggering down at her were two girls in Slytherin uniform, and their hands were raised over their mouths, trying to hide their pleasing smile.

"Amy did I wake you? Oh dear" Giggled one of the girls as the other slapped her on her arm whilst laughing.

Amelia had now a huge smile spread across her face, and her eyes twinkling with pure happiness.

"Evangeline! Silvia!" She shrieked with delight as she jumped up and pounced on her giddy friends.

"I thought you both couldn't make it to Hogwarts this year?" Amelia giggled whilst hugging Evangeline and Silvia repeatedly.

"Well, we figured out a way of getting here. And Dumbledore doesn't seem to mind… Much" Evangeline patted Amelia on the back.

Amelia was so glad to see them. They were her best friends; she wouldn't know what she would do without them.

"Plus, we wanted to see our Amelia!" Silvia chuckled as she leaned in for another squeeze.

Silvia was average height, only just taller than Amelia. She had blue tinted eyes that shined brighter than a sapphire, and a smile that warmed the heart of the coldest soul you could imagine.

She wore her medium length, blonde hair down, which was accessorized with a cute silk headband, propped off with a bow.

Evangeline was a charmer. She was a tad smaller than Silvia, but the most beautiful, and radiant witch known to the wizard world.

Her brown eyes glistened like a Topaz Jewel, behind her brown, dyed short hair, as it lay delicately on her shoulders.

A giggle that was pure and full of happiness would be shared with you, and her amazing jokes that would lift your spirits when you were down.

Those two, magnificent friends were by Amelia's side. And Amelia knew that.

"I missed you guys so much. And there is so much to tell you!" Amelia picked up her wand, and slid it under her sleeve.

She stood between her two lovely friends, and led them away as she told them the story of the past few weeks.

  *      *      *

Silvia pushed her way through the crowds of Witches and Wizards as she headed towards the great hall.

"Silvia I don't want to go in there!" Amelia protested.

"Why though? You can't hide from Draco forever!" Evangeline uttered.

Amelia rolled her eyes as if to say 'coarse I can, you just won't let me'.

"Fine" Amelia groaned.

The doors flung open and the three of them marched in.

With Amelia in the middle and her buddy's on her side, she felt like nothing could stand in her way. Especially Malfoy!

Silvia and Evangeline marched proudly with the biggest, brightest smiles on their faces.

Proud Slytherins.

"This looks like a good spot" Evangeline insisted as she pointed at three seats across from a familiar blonde haired lad.

Amelia's eyes widened. "No!" She whispered in a frantic state.

Silvia tutted and pushed Amelia onto the seat sat directly opposite Malfoy.

"Ahh look! All cozy!" Silvia joked as she plonked herself next to Evangeline.

Amelia leaned backwards and whacked her blue eyed friend on the upper back.

"Don't start" Amelia silently chuckled.

The smell of food had wafted up everyone's nostrils, and the thought of dinner made tummy's rumble.

Hogwarts had the best meals in the world.

Of course, the most amazing meals were on special occasions like Christmas and the start of the school year. But still. Nothing beat a good ol' Hogwarts chicken leg.

Just as Amelia was about to dig into her fine looking chicken, the most annoying voice echoed around the room.

"I see that you both made it, Silvia and Evangeline. Weren't you going to say hello at all?" Draco spat.

Amelia's head was still looking down at her plate, but her eyes drifted upwards to see his smug mush.

"Of course Draco, but you see, we don't care for little runts like yourself" Evangeline spat, but still managed to smile.

The sound of "Oooo's" at the table scattered around the grand hall.

Malfoy was furious!

"How dare you! You're not even a proper witch! You can't even fly on your own broomstick without smashing into the next flipping tree!"

Draco stood up and pointed a finger. Yet again the "Oooo's" kept on coming.  

"How dare you!!" Amelia shot up.

Somehow, she found her voice, and was determined to use it.

"How dare you be so shallow and stand there as you are, being all smug and picking on my friends! You pathetic little twerp! You call yourself a Slytherin?! I look at you and spit on the name 'Malfoy'!" Suddenly, the Hall went quiet.

"Ok that's enough now Amy…" Evangeline tugged at Amy, as she sat frigid, and scared.

Luckily enough, Amelia listened to her, and sat back on her cold seat, and resumed picking at her chicken leg.

Draco, still stood up, grabbed Amelia's collar, and scrunched her close from the other side of the table to his face, to make sure that she heard him clearly.

"This isn't over" He snapped.

"I'm not scared of a coward. Like you" She pulled his hands to release her now crinkled shirt, and slowly walked to the exit.

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