Chapter eleven

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Chapter eleven

This is my friends story, I think it has great potential and so I'm putting it up on here to see if you guys like it :D. Her name is Gabby and if you want to check her out heres her Deviant Art:


Chapter 11

"So? Are you going to tell us what's up?" Evangeline questioned impatiently, with Silvia sat, peering behind her.

Amelia shook her head. "Nowts up!"

They were all sat in the forbidden forest at 9 O'clock at night, and wolf howls were found to be echoing through the trees every 2 minutes.

Silvia stood up and started carving things into one of the thick barked trees with a pen knife.

Through the sounds of scratching wood and the clonking of the knife, Silvia managed to talk to Amelia.

"Just tell us, we will never judge you." She insisted.

That was so easy to say. 'We will never judge you'. What if they did judge them? Amelia had only just planted one on the Professor! A teacher! A practically ancient man!

"I don't have anything to say. I'm just in a grumpy mood", Amelia lied.

She lay back onto the filth infested ground, and managed to look at the black sky through the tall, broad trees and leaves.

Stars were starting to be counted by the young witch, which was one of her favorite hobbies.  

Evangeline soon followed, and also lay onto the muddy floor. Then so did Silvia.

They all lay in a triangle, heads together, pointing at the stars, as they tried to find as many as they could.

"This is awesome" Sighed Silvia. Amelia turned her head backwards to see her beloved friend.

"I know" She smiled as she held Evangeline and Silvia's hands.

Amelia and her best friends, altogether under the black, misty sky…

Why couldn't she say anything?

"What was that?" Silvia shot her head up from where it was laid, and stayed frozen in that position.

Suddenly, a snap and a crack of a twig being accidentally stood on were heard by the trio. Quickly, Evangeline, Silvia and Amelia all stood up and hid behind the biggest tree rooted next to them; they weren't exactly meant to be in the forest, it's not called the 'Forbidden Forest' for nothing!

Amelia grasped onto Evangeline's robe as she nearly fell out from behind the chunky tree trunk.

Only the sound of the twigs being snapped could be heard; well maybe some heavy breathing from the three petrified girls.

"I know you are out here!" An annoying screechy voice bounced off of the dark, hollow tree trunks.

"You can't hide from me!" It spoke again.

"Who is that?" Evangeline whispered so quietly, that it was hard to make out what she was saying. "I think it's Filch" Silvia replied in a hushed tone.

They all grabbed onto each other's arms and huddled together as closely as they could. Hearts were beating faster than ever; there was no way that they wanted to get kicked out of Hogwarts for this! Especially when Evangeline and Silvia had just arrived!

Filch started to get closer, and closer to where the girls were hiding, as he eye-balled the wide, mighty tree.

He shuffled his feet along the muck, brushing away the smallest of twigs as he got closer, and closer, and even closer.

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