Chpt. 5

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Hey guys been a little bit but heres the next chapter and At the top is a picture of Jenna :)
Let me know what y'all think!

I walked into the house and was instantly attacked by Rocky. I kneeled down to pet him in which he returned in licking  my face. I walked over to the back yard door to make sure the gate was closed before letting him out. I left the back door open and for rocky an also it was kinda breezy so just to let some beach air into the house.
I plopped on to the couch looking on my phone I pulled up the pictures Austin had took of us at the coffee shop. I noticed there were a few before those of Brandon taking selfies of just himself. They were being so spazzy today about everything. Somethings definitely up but nothing was connecting together to actually give me a hint. First the Uber, the credit card, and the music? Nothing goes together. Whatever I'm probably just being paranoid or making things up, they're cool guys I shouldn't try to make a problem already. I do have to live next to them for the summer. The sound of the front gate opening caught my attention, I got up and walked to the front door. As I opened it I could see Mitch handing Jenna her back pack as he got her duffle bag and suitcase. I leaned against the door way with my arms crossed as she started walking towards the house in awe. That's exactly how I acting when I arrived too the house is just breathtaking.
" welcome home!" I shouted to her as I opened my arms showing off the house. She smiled and ran to me still looking around taking it all in.
  "Geez, I remember the stories she used to say about how big her house was but I didn't know it was this big," she said still in shock walking up the steps. I walked over to her meeting her at the door.
" Yep and now it's ours...kind of," I shrugged. She walked inside and I turned around to see Mitch coming to bring her stuff in. Of course no smile just a flat face and his dark shades to hide his eyes.
   " how's it going Mitch?" I asked following him in the house and closing the door behind me. He took off his shades after putting the bags down while exhaling big time. I felt that, those stairs could make an Olympian out of breath, and he had the extra weight of the bags.
  " Nothing new Jess, all things good here? No trouble right?" He raised an eyebrow, pointing at me with his shades. Jenna giggled walking around the coffee table.
   " what?! Me? Trouble?" I scoffed putting my hand over my chest. " I would never!" I dramatic fell back on the couch.
   " I'm just making sure the dog still alive," he mutter looking towards Rocky in the back yard. Jenna looked in the same direction Mitch was spotting rocky.
   " Rocky!" Jenna ran out to backyard straight to Rocky no surprise.
   "I would never hurt Rocky he's like my own!" I looked at Mitch crossing my arms.
He snickered, " Well I distinctly remember Marla saying that you killed your pet goldfish but hey I'm not judging" Mitch raised his arms in defense and he made his way to the door.
   " I was 7! And I thought they only needed water to live!" I yelled but he only laughed and walked out the house. I got up and walked over to the window seeing Jenna and Rocky playing. She would toss the frisbee and Rocky would jump up catching it in his mouth perfectly. I smiled turning around walking over to the fridge pulling out some lemonade. I got two cups putting some in both and pulled out a cutting board cutting up some lemon to put in each. Once I got it all together I walked out to the patio, Jenna instantly seeing me and came over. I gave her the glass which she happily accepted. We both sat at the table and chairs that decorated the patio just enjoying the view.
   " how was the flight?" I looked over to her. She shrugged looking at the lemonade then back to the ocean.
" it was okay nothing special,"  I was expecting that.
" well that's alright wanna see the beach?" I asked I mean I don't expect her to wanna sit and talk to me the whole time she'll want to see the around the property asap.  We both got up her following behind me. I pressed the button on my phone that accesses the gate to open it. Which comes in handy a lot better than some remote thank you Aunt Marla.
We both stepped straight into sand as soon as the gate opened, Jenna went straight for the water to put her feet in to test it. I closed the gate behind us making sure rocky doesn't get out. Jenna quickly backed away from the water when it reached her ankles. She turned around after taking a Snapchat video of the waves crashing. She looked up smiling waving to me to join her.
  " Come on come feel the water it's great!" She shouted over the crashing waves. I jokingly rolled my eyes and started to walk to her even tho I really don't wanna get wet.
   " watch so you don't get any water in your lemonade," I pointed at her. She smirked down at her cup.
    " you should watch yours too," she looked over at me still smirking. Clearly was a big hint that I didn't put together fast enough.
     "Wha-" was the only thing I got out before she scooped up water and threw it in my direction. Much didn't make it past my waist but seriously I'm wearing shorts so it's whatever I just laughed it off and kicked some back at her. She looked over my shoulder, mouth hanging wide again. I looked back to see she's just staring at the neighbors houses.
    " Geez, they're big too!" She gasped still stuck on how nice these places are. I mean I was too when I first got here.
    " yeah they're pretty nice and the guys next door are-" I already was interrupted by two people yelling my name from the balcony.
    " JESS! JESS! Yooohooo! JESS LOOK UP!" A particularly blonde boy with long hair with another boy with dark hair and blonde tips took turns yelling.
    " perfect timing," I sighed looking at Jenna.  I waved my arm in the air showing that I heard them and they waved back showing to go there. Low key don't want to just because of the awkward moment with Brandon.. oh well right?
   " come on, let's go see what they want," I huffed she followed me. We put the cups down but the gate and made our way to the guys house. As we came up to their back gate it was already open, we walked right it and we could hear someone splashing in the pool.
  "Hey! Jess over here!" Called us toward the pool. Edwin and nick were having a diving competition while Zion and Austin were keeping score on notepads.
"Omg..." I heard Jenna whisper under her breath. I looked back at her and she was staring at the guys as if she was star struck. I mean they're cute but not that cute..and too old for her she's only like 16.
  " what's up guys?" I asked walking towards Austin and Zion, they were the farthest from getting wet.
" Guys?! Jess they are-"
  " You're new neighbors! come help us judge!" Austin cut Jen off and grabbed her hand pulling her hand towards him and Zion I looked back at Jenna to see if she cared or not which apparently not since she still smiling like an idiot and sat next to Zion.
   " oh that's Jenna by the way guys, and Jen that's Austin, Zion, Nick, Edwin and..where's Brandon?" I asked after pointing at everyone, introducing them all but missing one.
    " behind you," a whisper made me jump. I turned around quickly to meet a very close Brandon.
    " I knew you'd come running back, they always do," he smirked, lifting his eyebrow at me making his way to the chairs. I rolled my eyes and crossed my hands over my chest.
  " As if, I was asked to be here." There was only one seat left and of course it was by him. He noticed too and patted it looking directly at me. So that's what I did I sat, Jenna and Austin were in their own conversation which she still looked like she was gonna lose at any second. I haven't seen her this crazy over a guy since the Justin Bieber concert when she was 10.
   " you like video games?" Zion butted in, I'm not listening, they're just talking too loud to ignore but I look like I'm on my phone scrolling on twitter.
    " you got fortnite?" She looked at him, it looked like he had just been asked the million dollar question.
     " we're gonna be best friends," he laughed and got up she followed him and Austin got up as well.
     " B come help me with something real quick," Austin called out, Brandon got up not before calling back " don't miss me too much" then disappeared into the house before I could say anything. I don't know why jokes so much about me liking him when he keeps making moves. Or why Austin keeps hiding things, or why Jenna is acting like we're in the presence of one direction.
  I looked down at my phone and I noticed 20 minutes have pasted, I'm bored, and my feet are just dangling pool side. Nick went inside ten minutes ago. Edwin and I have been playing would you rather for  five minutes already. I would be in the pool but I'm wearing all white and that's not gonna end well.
  " alright I'm getting out I'm starting to prune," Edwin laughed as he stepped out the pool. I did the same pulling my legs out the water.
   " I'm gonna make some sweet tea you want some?" He asked as he went to the pool house I yelled yes and wiped my legs so they're dry. He put one around his waist and pulled out some tea packets as well as sugar.
     " what's the plans for tomorrow?" He asked while stirring in the gallon jug.
  "I don't really know but I wanna go back to the coffee shop again and I might take Jenna too, why you want to come too? I replied looking at him.
" Yeah, I heard it was nice, what time?" He asked while pouring the tea in the cups and adding ice and lemon.
" mmm probably like 10am, that's good?" I asked while taking the cup from him and thanking him.
   " yep that's perfect so I could sleep in," he put the rest in the fridge and we made our way to the house. I opened the door to the house and saw Jenna and Zion still playing fortnite, nick texting sitting in the big bean bag, Austin on the couch on his phone but kinda also watching them play and Brandon no where to be found.
    " he's up stairs," Edwin stopped right behind me but then walked to the kitchen. I looked up towards the the second story balcony, my eyes meeting a certain pair of glasses. He nodded his head towards his room signaling to come upstairs. I brought my hand up to my temples rubbing them slightly trying to ease the tension that was about to go down. I could feel it in my gut that I shouldn't go up there and just run out the house and to mine but that won't do anything. 
   " you good?" Edwin looked at me like he was worried he stopped cutting vegetables and put his hands aside the cutting board. He could be a chef I swear. I walked over sitting at one of the bar stools. Looks like he was gonna make some kind of special dinner.
  " yeah I'm just making something out of nothing," I shook my head looking around. I really don't wanna bother him with things that don't even matter really.
   " how so?" He asked, grabbing a green pepper starting to slice it carefully yet still making eye contact with me.
   " it's nothing really I'm probably just over looking things," I answered honestly. Maybe he'll have something to say about it.
     " nothing wouldn't make someone stress this much what's going on?" He really seemed genuinely concerned which was sweet considering we just met briefly 24 hours ago.
     " true, okay, give me your honest opinion on this bc it's dumb but it's racking my brain," I started, he nodded so I continued, " so we're at the coffee shop and Austin got the drink and Brandon and I got the table well when Austin brought the drinks over I thanked him for paying for them and he said he didn't pay for it, that he used Zion's credit card, then I tried to thank Zion for it and he said he didn't have one, then a this song comes on the speakers and I was trying to find the name or at least the artist and Austin took my phone and acted like we needed this selfie as if it was life or death, Oh! And I forgot so when we left this morning Austin referred to the Uber as kind of like his personal driver," I finished. Oddly enough Edwin kind of nodded here and there but he wasn't shocked or he's just too good at keeping his cool.
  " Look, sounds like a lot but those guys always correct each other or do spontaneous things, now I'm not saying they're being sketchy or you're making stuff up but I'd just give time to get used to them and us all because we've only met yesterday and we gotta get used to each other a little, ya know?" He said at the most chill way possible still cutting up vegetables and putting them in a pan.
    " Yeah, you're right that makes much more sense, thanks for that, at least I'll have a little more peace of mind now," I smiled at him, and he did the same I got up of the stool to go upstairs.
   " by the way I'm making stir-fry do y'all wanna stay for dinner while y'all are here?" He asked right before I walked away. It smelled so good already, and I'd be so rude if we just ditched before dinner. Jenna would love it no doubt so I don't see why not.
   " yeah thanks, smells great by the way," I replied before walking away he bowed and laughed. Jenna and Zion were still going at it, something about needing to get to a certain level for something I do t know. It'll be torcher trying to get her out this house tonight. I got to the top of the staircase getting closer to Brandon's room. I walked in and there was no Brandon, I'm starting to sense a pattern. I walked to his bed to make sure he wasn't in it or if I missed him, the door closed which revealed a tall dude named Brandon. Shocker.
   " about time, I thought u had left or something," he said walking towards me. I turned around and sat on the bed.
  " Nope just talking to Edwin," I leaned back and layer flat on my back on the bed. It's something about his bed that so comfortable I could pass out in seconds If I really wanted to. 
    " what about?" He starred at me curiously while laying next me propping himself up on his elbow.
   "Nothing serious just about staying for dinner," I really didn't wanna talk about the other things that we talked about, because it was basically nothing so no need to bring it up. I noticed his 'bose' speaker in the corner of his room. He saw me looking at it and walked over to it.
   "Want to put something on?" Handing me the speaker. I looked at my SoundCloud playlist and alone by halsey came on. That song with the dimmed lights in his room made so much more relaxing. He payed next to me again but closer this time. I watched as he put his arm around me again pulling me into his chest. I'm not complaining I'm comfortable. But I can't fall for him I can't just jump into something I don't know him. He's so cute though but he has someone to go back to at the end of summer. This would be just a time filler for him and I can't put myself through something so great for it to be temporary. His fingers made shapes across my back, completely knocking my train of thought over. I seriously need to pull it together. I felt him but his chin on the top of my head the last thing I felt before I passed out again.

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