Chpt. 10

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My hands gripped the sheets so hard I felt my nails pinch my bare skin as my voice screeched louder than ever before, this was fear. My body was thrown forward with all my might to lunge out of this black out state.
"NOOOO-" as my scrams were cut short by a hand being slammed over my mouth, to which my body reacted before my mind did and I threw my hands up and pulled it off my face while pulling myself back further from the person in the black hoodie.
" hey hey hey! It's just me!" He called out takes off the hood revealing Brandon's soft adorable features...wait Brandon?
"Are you freaking kidding me!? What the hell?!" I yelled, my body boiled with anger and embarrassment. If looks could kill, I'd be in jail already.
" I'm sorry I just saw your dog out on the beach and walked her back to you're yard and you were passed out asleep, I was just trying to help," he explained, he facials seemed apologetic but I can't help but still feel really shaken up. I just nodded because I didn't have the energy to argue at the moment my body was still kind of shaking. I mean I thought I was paralyzed for a second sooooo give me a break.
" hey look I'm sincerely sorry, I didn't know you were that freaked out," he started to sit on the bed reaching out to touch my shoulder.
" we aren't dating, remember?" I muttered looking away from him. Clearly I'm still a little bitter about the situation but I'm allowed to be. He repeatedly lied to me and I had to figure the truth out for myself, granted my way of doing so was really childish...
" okay yeah but doesn't mean I can't be there for you, and look I honestly hated not telling you but the times we had were amazing, I just got scared it'd be ruined once you knew," he looked down at his hands as he spilled his guts. Ugh why does he have to be so freaking adorable...aye! Stop it! Get it together brain! Seriously!
" Well look at Jenna, she knew and didn't treat y'all differently, so what made you think I would? I asked looking into his deep brown eyes.
" I don't know, just working in this industry you tend to have to watch your back always, you never know what people actually want from you," he said leaning back against the headboard. I nodded but honestly I don't understand the music vindustry lifestyle.
" Well I don't want anything from you, all I want is a friend," I muttered laying next to him.
"Did you just friendzone me?" Brandon smirked. My face heated up like I mean on fire.
" N-no I meant like I just I ummm would you stop smiling like that omg," I sigh in frustration putting my hands over my face to hide the blush. I feel his hands on mine pulling them away slowly. His thumb rubbed circles on the back of my hand as he held on to it.
" I was just joking," he whispered still smiling," I'll see you later," he started to sit up to get out of the bed but my grip on his hand tightened. He looked back at my questionably looking at my hand then back at my face.
" Can you stay for a little bit longer," I asked under my breath, looking down then locking eyes with him. His eyes softened before responding, " For you? Anything...only because were such good 'friends'," with of course a smirk across his face. I smiled and rolled my eyes in response. At the moment the song the less I know the better by tame impala(saint wknd remix) was playing on the speaker, the rooms red lights were still on. Brandon turned around on the bed as he pulled his hoodie over his head and slid off his shoes before laying back down next to me, facing me. We stared at each other until one of us smiled, which of course I did first. I went to cover my face with my hands but he smiled and grabbed my waist, "come here," he laughed while pulling me into his chest. We entangled our bodies together and instantly we could feel ourselves relax into each other. Our hearts started to beat slower as we cuddled, it was just perfect. My bare face on his chest while my hand rubbed circles on his back, his hand wrapped around my waist and the other playing with my hair. I wanted to stay in this moment forever. I felt myself begin to fall back asleep but not before I heard him whisper, " Goodnight, friend" and with that I fell asleep with a smile on my face.
"YO LOSERS GET UP," a loud high pitched voice yelled waking and Brandon up. I sit up to see Jenna with a bullhorn in her hand. I know she didn't not get that from here, so one if the guys must be here too. I rub my eyes to better wake up, Brandon still with his eyes closed wraps his arms around me pulling me back down in bed. I giggled and just accepted it.
" Ouuuuu I'm down for a cuddle sesh! Move over! Make some room!" I look up to see Nick pushing Brandon over while wrapping his arms around Brandon's waist.
" Oh that's real cute, everyone smile!" Jenna blared through the bullhorn while taking a picture on her phone. I laughed, Brandon looked over his shoulder and smiled at nick right before pushing him out the bed then laying his head in my lap.
" Hey! I was tryna get my cuddle on!" Nick whined crossing his arms.
" I'm not into threesomes," Brandon responded to nick with a smirk, I giggled at that one.
" But three is a party!" Nick argued back.
" No three is a nuisance," he rolled his eyes.
" but like can y'all get up now? It's already 11:30," Jenna asked still using the bullhorn. Someone remind me to take that when she falls asleep tonight.
" Yeah got it we're getting up," I flashed a smile at Jenna as she pulled nick out the bed dragging him by his feet. I placed my hand in Brandon's hair and twirled my fingers in his brown curls.
" Please don't make me get up yet," he whispered.
" How about just a chill day? Ya know, hang out by the pool and just relax?" I giggled looking into his eyes.
" That might be nice," He responded running his thumb along my cheek before bringing his lips to mine. Our lips moved in sync and slowly turned into a make out session. I pulled back and rested my forehead on his.
" come onnn, go get your swim trunks," i smirked at him and stood up making him roll out my lap. I giggled as I tried to hurry out the bed as I heard him hot on my heels. Didn't take long for two strong arms to wrap around my shoulders.
" IIII don't think soooo" I could feel his smirk through his words, " you really think you could kiss me and leave like that?" I tried to look down to hide my smile. I could feel my heartbeat faster. My back pressed against the wall as his arms were on both sides holding me hostage. I looked up at him with a smile on my face as he began to lean in. I simply pecked his lips and pulled away smiling as he tried to pulled me back in for another but I pushed him back.
" Go. Swimsuit. Now." I demanded biting my lip at him. He rolled his eyes back at me smiling but not before planting a kiss on my cheek.
" I'll be back," he whispered while backing away and out the door he goes. I made my way to my closet and began looking through my bikinis I brought. I picked out a neon green and black bikini from the closet and threw it on real quick. I slid on some jean shorts and put my flip flops on then walked down stairs. Jenna was on the couch with the bullhorn yelling at nick and Zion as they wrestle on the carpet in the middle of the the living room while Edwin sat next to her recording it on Snapchat. I'm not even shocked but honestly expecting it.
" COME ON NICK DONT BE SUCH A SISSY! FINISH HIM!" Jenna yelled through the bullhorn aggressively, Edwin cackling next to her and it looks like Zion has Nick in a headlock. Poor Nick. I covered my mouth so I wouldn't die from laughter but this is something else.
" ONE TWO THREE ANNNNNND ZION WINS!" Edwin hollered standing up and grabbing Zions arm and lifting it into the air.
"You could've at least tried nick geez," Jenna smacks his forehead for losing and then walked away. When I tell was on the ground laughing. His face, boy, he was so offended.
" Are you kidding me? He cheated." Nick yelled.
" Who cheated? Couldn't be me!" Zion smirked at Nick.
" Chicken, in the pool, winner takes all" Brandon chimed in in the doorway of the back door.
"BET!" They both yelled at the same time while racing to the pool. I followed as everyone walked outside. I put my towel on the sun chair by the pool. Jenna went straight for the diving board to do acannon ball followed by Austin doing a backflip. Brandon had Nick on his shoulders and Zion was on Edwin as they were about to fight to the end.
I got up to grab tanning lotion and to put music on the speaker. " Red roses" by Lil skies came on pandora setting a chill vibe for the moment. I over heard the boys splashing bc Zion ended up falling off first ending the game, now they were all swimming or jumping off the diving board. I stood up sliding my jean shorts off and putting them aside. I grabbed the tanning lotion and began to rub it on my legs. I felt as if I was being stared at but I'm not even gonna acknowledged it. I'm already awkward enough as it is I don't need to feel any more awkward in the moment. I worked the lotion up my body and to my arms, but struggled to get it on my back, and as if someone read my mind, " Here let me help you," a deep familiar voice came up behind me. I didn't have to turn around to know it was Brandon. I passed the bottle behind me with a small smile on my face. He started to rub it into my shoulders pretty firmly. My eyes closed into relaxation as he worked it down my back. He massaged it deep into my muscles and I felt myself bite my lip to not moan out loud but it was getting harder when he rubbed into my lower back. I put my hand up to cover my mouth but I think he caught onto what was happening because he asked " Feels good?"
" Yep yeah really good" I responded quickly just to get the words out so no moan would get out in the process.
" Good because your all covered now," he whispered giving my shoulder a quick peck before standing up and jumping into the pool. Damn this boy...
I laid back and enjoyed the sun. That didn't even last long bc it was burning after a while. Edwin ended up cooking again for lunch making burgers for everyone. Rocky was running around in the yard with Jenna and Nick. Zion and Austin playing volleyball in the pool. I got up to put my legs in the pool to cool off a bit, the sun was scorching today but what can you expect in the summer. I felt something tickle my feet from under the water which made me jump back but they gripped my ankles so I fell forward into the water. I submerged underwater and I opened my eyes , thankfully it's salt water pool so it's easier to see in than chlorine pool, I see Brandon with a shocked look on his face. I felt my lungs dying for air so I pushed my way to the top of the water but he was pulled my arm under the water to keep me under. My lungs were screaming for oxygen but he reached out to my chest and pulled my top down. Little did I know my bikini top flipped up when I fell into the water thankfully I made it to the surface without flashing anyone else but I was mortified that he even saw it. I jumped right out the water and grabbed my towel ignoring Brandon's calls for me from the pool. I ran straight up to my room and looked the door. Still holding the towel around my body I placed my head in my hands, I couldn't get the look on his face out of my head. I just feel exposed and insecure right now, times ten. Ugh what the hell. Seriously..
" Jess? Please open the door," I heard his low voice beam through the door. I can't even think about this right now or even process what he's gonna say.
" go away," my voice shook, I was getting cold from the wet bikini and the fan being on at this point.
" Please just let me talk to you? I'm sorry" he responded, honestly I just wanna get the conversation over with so I don't have to hear of it ever again. Just end it all. Erase it. I stood up and unlocked the door. He slowly opened the door and closed it behind him, locking it.
" Baby I'm so sorry I didn't mean to have that happen I was just thinking about joking around to get you in the pool, beyond that wasn't my intention at all, I'm so so sorry, nobody else saw but me, I made sure," he grabbed my waist holding me close while explaining and apologizing.
" it's okay I understand," I whispered looking into his eyes.
" I would never want to expose you or hurt you in anyway, please know that," he whispered back.
I nodded back putting my head on his chest.
" Will you stay with me tonight?" I whispered into chest. 
" Of course," he answered. He pulled back looking into my eyes grabbing my face with both his hands,
" Just know you are so beautiful, I know this wasn't a good thing that happened today but I still think you're insanely beautiful regardless of what happened, and I know you're not entirely comfortable with me in that way yet but know one day when we're ready we'll expose ourselves to each other without feeling bad about it." He whispered looking directly into my eyes. I reached my arms up to his neck pulling him in for s kiss. My towel dropped but he held me close and his warmth was enough to keep me warm without the towel. I wanted to take him on the bed right there but my conscience said it's something to wait on. But my feet were moving backwards towards the bed and he was following, lips still connected. My feet were off the ground and I was in his arms. He sat on the edge of the bed with me straddling him. His hands all over the lower of my back teasing me, occasionally myself biting his neck, so I guess it's an eye for an eye. My chest was pressed to his with only our swimsuits creating a barrier between other actions. Moaning filling the air, thankfully the blackout curtains were closed making the room almost completely dark, the radio playing " heart speak" by PLTO making the mood all the more hot. Our hands traveling all over each other teasing on another to see who will crack first.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2019 ⏰

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