Chapter 3 Untouched

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Chapter Three: Untouched

Sam hadn't shown up to my flat in three days. I did not have any Units to even call him with one of the Sector's street phones. I had enough of his passive aggressive argumentative ways and packed a makeshift pocket knife my mother had made me. He lived twenty minutes away without transport- to me walking was safer than getting into a vehicle. There had been a case a few years back about a man pretending to a bus man. He picked up twelve people, bringing them to an abandoned warehouse, where he took them apart and sold their organs at the Market.

I didn't know exactly what I would say to Sam when I saw him, just that I was unbelievably pissed off. He knew sooner or later I was going to be a Breeder, so why was I being ignored for it? I didn't ignore him for three days when he kept his secret about Sarah and what he had been doing to get those birth control pills.

After about twenty minutes I leered at the building in front of me. I almost never came here in the last seven years I had known Sam and Sarah. I hated this part of town and I prepared myself to step over unconscious bodies that most likely found their fix at the Market. In Sam's part of town, a lot of people would recreate meth and heroin- and even something stronger called Dream.

A few years ago Franky had introduced my mom to Dream. She cut it short before it became a problem, but I had always been afraid of walking in and seeing the blue powder formed in straight lines on her nightstand, her dead body quiet in her bed.

Sam's bedroom window was lit slightly, telling me he was either laying down or reading something. On the walk up I could feel my heart banging against my rib cage and suddenly I didn't feel as angry nor as confident as I had been a few minutes before. I could hear the slight murmuring of an argument coming from inside Sam's tiny apartment, my hand inches from knocking on the door. I had thought about eavesdropping but instead did a quick rap on the door and put my mean face on. The door swung open and I jumped back, not prepared to see a tiny Sarah staring angrily at me.

"Hey Sarah," I said weakly. She muttered a greeting back and shoved passed me, running down the steps and out of view. Sam was standing in the middle of their kitchen, his face buried in his hands. Any animosity I had in me had been tossed out the window just then.

"Sammy?" I closed the door behind me and walked slowly to him. He hadn't even looked up at me yet and i could see he was shaking.

"I messed up Salice," He croaked. I put my hand on his shoulder and brought him to his room. They were lucky enough to have two bedrooms- one for his mom and sister to share, and the other for him.

"What happened? What's going on?"

"I messed up." he threw himself on the bed, his legs hanging off the edge comically. I could see the tears falling down his cheeks and instantly sat beside him. I brushed my fingers through his brown hair and held his hand.

"Sammy what happened?" I whispered.

"Sarah is pregnant," he laughed halfheartedly and began crying again.

I sat still in my spot, frozen in place by his words. I almost didn't believe him but by how he was acting showed me the severity of what he had just told me.

"How? I thought you had been giving her birth control pills?" I whispered harshly under my breath.

"He fucking gave me placebos the last batch."

"Who did?"I knew as much that Sam had been getting those pills from someone at the Market in exchange for meat that he stole from his boss Larry, I just never knew who his supplier was.

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