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Wait, did he really choose me or was it because he knew that I would be upset? And what friend?!

"Well, if you say it like that, I..." I muttered into the mic, looking at Jinyoung before turning away. Gosh, I seriously am sulking now.

We obviously lost the quiz and thus, they played Youngjae's song. While they played his song, I couldn't help sulking still. I had to get it off my chest and so I removed my headphones and asked LHK "Can they hear if we talk now? Honestly, I'm upset". This caused the other members to laugh as they knew.

"No, so long as the song is still playing" he replied, looking back at his monitor. Jinyoung took off his headphones as he saw me speak, telling me that the screen shows the volumes and what not. I took off my headphones and adjusted my cap before facing Jinyoung.

"Okay, tell me now. Did you choose because you knew that I would be upset? Is your conscience clear?" I asked. I couldn't help the frown that was forming on my face.

Jinyoung laughed it off before replying "No, of course it is clear. And don't forget about just now. Why are you sulking?"

"You know why" I replied but was interrupted by the crew who wanted to take our photos. Bam, JB and Mark posed for the photo and I couldn't help but move away, I wasn't really in the mood.

"Together please" said the lady. I shifted closer to them for the photo. As I didn't really feel like smiling, I used my fingers to cup my chin. Jinyoung grab his bottle and took a few gulps of water, something he always did when he was nervous.

"Are you okay?" Mark asked, leaning towards me after our photo was taken. "I didn't mean to say it like that just now..."

"Yeah, no I'm okay. Just sulky, you know... like what does that make me if he just does not want me to be sulky? Does that mean he's tolerating my affection? What does that make me really" I replied Mark, causing him to laugh and rub my arm.

Before Mark could reply, LHK turned and ask me "Why are you covering your mouth?"

"Well, this is a live broadcast, right?" I asked, wiping a tear I didn't even know had fallen.

"Did you cry?" LHK asked, alarmed.

"I'm okay" I quickly responded, turning back to Jinyoung. I didn't even know why I was tearing. Out of frustration or embarrassment?

"Don't..." Jinyoung said, quickly grabbing his water bottle again.

"No honestly, tell me. I need to know, is your conscience clear? Did you choose me because you knew I would sulk? I'm already sulking now anyway, you might as well let me know" I grumbled, causing them all to laugh.

LHK turned to JB and asked, "Does this bother you?"

"No, not at all" JB replied, before tapping me and telling me "He chose you with good reasons, none that he thought he had to explain to you unlike me right. If you cry, what am I supposed to do?"

"It's just that it really hurts. And you know me, I hold grudges and I can't seem to let it go. It's my heart right..." I explained, looking at Jinyoung. I laughed after I explained as I felt the tension growing thick in the room. All of them laughed in response and looked to Jinyoung.

"But I really chose you!" Jinyoung responded, his arms folded across his chest.

"It's okay. I'm hurt but it's okay" I replied, laughing. I could tell that he was feeling awkward about the current situation and wanted to close this matter. They all laughed and we all looked to the screen. We were about to start again soon.

"I... never mind. It's just me." I said, before putting my headphones on. "Later" I added, looking at Jinyoung. He laughed in response, shifting uncomfortably.


"Well, during the quiz just now..." LHK started as our mics turned on.

"No, no, no" I muttered, grabbing the mic tightly.

"Can I say it? Is it okay if I talk about it?" LHK asked, turning to me for confirmation. Like I could say no now.

"Wait, Jackson is really very cute" Jinyoung laughed, before drinking again. I hate that I'm the one making him feel so awkward.

"Well listeners, right now, Jackson is sulking over Jinyoung." LHK laughed.

"IT'S CUTE" everyone responded, laughing. LHK turned to me and asked, "Jackson do you have anything to say?"

Turning to Jinyoung I asked, "Can I talk about it?". Taking his smile as a yes, I continued.

"Well originally, if my name was not included there, he would have chosen JB and honestly, I am sulky. Honestly, he would rather go with Jaebum hyung. Honestly! Touch your heart and ask yourself. Is your conscience shaken?" I ranted on, embarrassed.

Jinyoung shook his head and replied "It's not shaken. It's not shaken."

"Okay. Too much too much." I replied, shaking my head and adjusting my cap again. It somehow became a bad habit for me. I always felt that my head was too big and would use a cap to hide. I realised I tend to adjust it whenever I felt irritated.   


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