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"Leave him alone Bam" I frowned, shoving him away. Bam always annoyed all of us when he was excited. Jackson was exhausted, especially after last night.

Jackson had woken up in the middle of the morning/night to sneak back into his room before our manager came to wake us up. I had no idea how he managed to wake up. I was pretty sure that I didn't hear any alarm ring.

We were all in the dressing room getting ready for our concert. We still had about two hours worth of free time and I wanted him to get as much rest as possible.

Jackson was lying horizontally on the couch, snoring lightly while napping when Bam decided that he wanted to, God knows why, stack things on Jackson while he slept.

I breathe out a sigh as I turned back to Jackson, watching as he continued sleeping.

"Don't me set rules for you" I grumbled, grabbing Bam into a headlock.

"What? 1. Don't touch Jackson 2. Don't let anyone touch Jackson 3. Hug Jackson?" Bam laughs.

"Hyung" I complained, turning to JB. Somehow only both JB and Jackson were able to stop Bam from being his idiotic self.

"Sorry sorry" Bam pled, trying to struggle out of my arm as JB looked over. I laughed, letting him go as Youngjae entered the dressing room.

Youngjae glanced over at JB before settling in next to Jackson. JB clenched his jaw, turning away as he watched Youngjae. I guess they haven't talked about it yet.

I shot one last parting glance at Jackson before heading to get my makeup and hair done. Mark had started removing the random stack of things off Jackson and was throwing them at Bam.


I stirred as Yougjae laughed, his voice oddly loud and near me. I frowned, cracking my eyes open to look around.

"Sorry Jack" Mark said, patting my shoulder as I woke. I turned to see Mark sitting next to my head and Youngjae sitting at my legs.

"Mmm" I sniffed, reaching up to rub my eyes. I felt a weight lift off my stomach and tilted my head in confusion as I watched Mark throw the book he was holding at Bam. Bam laughed when he caught it but stopped when he saw that I was awake.

"Hi Hyung" he waves lamely.

"What time is it?" I croak, my throat still scratchy from sleep.

"About 3.30pm. That idiot was doing something dumb" Mark replied, ruffling my hair. I ran a hand over my face, lifting my palm to check for ink, frowning when nothing came out.

"No. He decided to stack things on you" Mark laughed, grabbing my hand to stop me from rubbing my face raw.

"I'm not a cat. Stupid Bam" I grumble, taking a pen off my stomach to throw at Bam. He skipped around the room laughing and taunting me till I got up off the sofa to chase him.

I tackled Bam to the sofa, pushing him down while tickling him. He laughed till he cried, begging for mercy before I relented.

I plopped myself down on the couch next to Bam, spanking his bum to make him sit up as he slouched, lying horizontally along the couch.

"Where did Jinyoung go?" I mumbled to myself, looking around the room.

"He's next door getting his makeup and hair done" Youngjae smiled. He glanced at JB, frowning that he wasn't even looking his way. He pouted, sulking while sitting next to me on the armrest.

I nodded at Youngjae, trying to control my smile when I patted my thigh and caught JB's annoyed jaw.

Youngjae sat in my lap, unlocking his phone to show me some video. Bam leaned over, the three of us laughing while watching. Mark stared at us quizzically, moving to occupy the armrest next to me on the couch.

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