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Throughout the rest of the radio broadcast, Jackson was quiet, making me feel bad. My mouth was dry, and I kept grabbing my bottle, no matter how much I drank it seemed to stay dry. I happened to catch Jackson's eye and saw him give me a small smirk.

I couldn't help laughing as he politely nodded at me, smiling slightly before turning away. I guess he really is still sulky over it.

Towards the end of the broadcast, Jackson caught my eye and shrugged. I playfully glared at him, raising my eyebrows before smiling and looking down. I knew he was still sulky but at least he continued to participate for the rest of the broadcast.

 I knew he was still sulky but at least he continued to participate for the rest of the broadcast

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"Come with me" Jackson said, grabbing my hand and pulling me into his room. We had all just gotten back from the broadcast and throughout the car ride he was silently brooding.

Pushing me into his room, he closed and locked the door behind him before stalking towards me. Trapped by his gaze, my jaw dropped as he started to take off his shirt.

I gasped as he shoved me against the wall, his hand cupping the back of my head, ensuring I wouldn't knock into the wall. He kissed me senseless, pressing his whole body against mine, effectively trapping me.

"Why" he whispered, peppering kisses on my jaw. "Must" he continued, slowly making his way down my jaw to my neck. "You" he mumbled, nibbling now on my collarbone, "Do that".

He continued kissing and nibbling my neck, his hand tilting my neck to get a better angle, causing me to moan. Where did that even come from?

"You're mine. Do you understand?" he rasped, peering up at me, his eyes hooded with lust. Pulling his face towards mine, I kissed him again.

"Yes... I'm sorry. There isn't anyone who I rather be stuck with than you. You should know that" I whispered, cupping his face. His eyes were still shut as he leaned into my palm and hummed in response.

A/N: you know what comes next. church is free. so are temples. or whatever religion you all believe in. enjoy...?

I once again found myself trapped in his gaze as he stared into my eyes. Pulling me by my wrist, he slowly guided me on to his bed. He slowly climbed onto me, holding my gaze the entire time.

His hand reached up to grab the back of my neck, his fingers tugged on my hair as he started kissing and nibbling his way down to my collarbone. Once again, I couldn't help the moan that escaped. I didn't even notice his arms slipping under my shirt, tugging it upwards till he stopped his assault to take my shirt off.

"Seunnie..." I moaned, grabbing onto his shoulders as he palmed me through my jeans. My erection was straining painfully against my pants. He captured my mouth in a swift kiss before tugging at my belt and unbuckling it.

I was so aroused that I didn't even care if the others could hear us. I was panting as Jackson got up to remove his pants. He stood there in all his glory, smirking as he caught me eyeing his body. He grabbed my dick and started to stroke me, his other hand cupping my neck once more, kissing me into delirium.

He slowly reached behind, rubbing my hole. He slowly thrust his finger in, allowing me to pucker and push out before I flowered open. I groaned, as he pushed deeper, slowly pumping me at the same time. I gasped as his finger rubbed against my prostate, making me even wetter than before.

"You're doing so well" he muttered, slowly adding another finger, stroking that sweet spot inside of me.

He withdrew his fingers causing a lewd pop, smirking at me before lifting my legs and propping them higher. He placed a pillow at my lower back, positioning himself before slowly entering me.

"Seunnie... it's too... I..." I gasped, he was huge. His fingers managed to stretch me out, but he was bigger than that. He stilled, waiting for me to get used to his size.

"Are you okay?" he asked, stroking my face.

"Just give me a minute" I nodded, noticing the pained look on his face. I slowly raised myself, gripping onto his shoulders and letting more of him slip into me.

"Oh God, you're so tight" Jackson groaned, his arm straining from the effort he took to not plunge into me. He began to slowly thrust himself, slowly going deeper until I fully opened and took him to his hilt, causing him to moan, biting my neck to try silent himself.

He had a slight sweat sheen to his forehead as he gripped my hips and started pounding into me. I moaned, clawing his lower back as he hit my sweet spot.

"Do you know how beautiful you look now?" he asked, his voice hoarse. He leaned down and captured my mouth, kissing me as one of his hands started to stroke my dick.

I closed my eyes as he overwhelmed me, his hands, his scent, him, just him. I tried controlling my moans by biting onto his shoulder, my nails were digging into his back and I was probably leaving marks on him but right now, I couldn't be bothered nor help myself.

"Look at me" he groaned, stroking me faster still. I opened my eyes and looked at him. I was on the edge, moaning as I clawed his back. Staring into my eyes, he came with a growl, pumping himself into me a few more times. Just watching him unravel made me come with a jerk too, and I came all over my stomach.

I laid there spent, groaning as he slowly slipped out of me, going to his toilet to grab a warm towel. He cleaned me off as I laid there flapping my arms to reach for him. I wanted to thank him but all that came out was a mumble.

"I love you" I heard Jackson whisper as he kissed my forehead, slipping under the cover beside me. I clung to him as he pulled me into his arms, humming a tune as I slipped into oblivion.

A/N: OKAY. THANKS FOR EVEN READING. shoutout to @NicoleLopez876 @SooBong0 for your comments to write this. THANK YOU FOR VOTING EVERYONE!!! I'll update soon again. x.


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