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I took out my phone and texted Jackson while walking to board the plane. It felt. Odd. Leaving without him. I knew that it probably feels weirder for him, now that he's alone.

To: King of my heart
Hey you. I'm at the airport.
Set the dorm on fire yet?

It's so quiet...
Maybe myself soon? I miss you.

I don't think smoked dogs are good.
I've just boarded the plane.

I don't even...
Your humour always...

You're welcome.

God, I love you...
Have a safe flight. Let me know when you arrive.
I'll be waiting. X.

It was a short plane ride and I was sitting next to Mark. He glanced at me, raising his eyebrows as I reread our conversation and giggled to myself.

"Just Jackson" I explain, tucking my phone into my jacket.

"Let's take a photo!" Mark suggests, turning on his camera. We pose, cheek to cheek, while wrinkling our noses.

"Send it to me later. I'll send it to Jackson" I laugh, checking the photo. I can already think of my caption for him. Burnt dog. Hah.

"Sure. I'll upload it later" he nods, keeping his phone in his pocket.

Mark and I chatted about our activities during the plane ride. The flight was okay except for the part where Yugyeom and Bambam started to annoy us by throwing peanuts.

"I really think that it's time. We need to kill the two" I muttered as Mark brushed some crumbs out of my hair.

"I'll take Bambam on" Mark replies as I glare at the two of them. We queuing to clear the customs and Yugyeom had the cheek to stick his tongue out at me.

"Let me just trip him" I whisper to Mark, causing him to laugh. We threw our hoods and face masks on as we exited the airport to our van.

Mark nudged me as Yugyeom approached his back to me as he waved to our Ahgasaes that waited at the airport. I pretend to knock into Yugyeom, smiling as he stumbled.

"Hyung..." Yugyeom whines, rushing to catch up with us as we enter the van. I laugh, wrapping my arm around in neck as we wrestled in the van.

"Kids" Jaebum sighs. He grabbed us by the nape of our necks and pressed, causing us to flinch and stop. It really hurts.

I switched my phone back and saw that Jackson had texted me. I turned to take a mugshot of Yugyeom, nudging him with my foot so that the photo of him was really close up and alien looking.

From: King of my heart
Saw your airport photos!
I'm packing still.

Did you see Yugyeom trip?
Proud to say I caused it. :)

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