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Jackson was coming back today, and I couldn't wait. I kept fidgeting as I waited in the living room, I had prepared some food as a surprise.

I managed to chase the "kids" away as they kept stealing food despite me making a separate portion for them. Yes, they are kids to me. I drummed my fingers on the table as I stared at the clock. Jackson should be back any minute now...

I heart leapt as I heard the front door open followed by luggage wheels rolling over the tiles. "Screw surprising him" I thought, jumping out of my chair as I made my way to the front door.

Jackson was removing his shoes with his back against the hallway as I approached him. He jumped in shock as I hugged him from behind, my arms around his neck.

He held onto my arms and lifted me as he laughed, propping me up on my feet before turning to face me.

"I've missed you my puppy" he teased, squishing my face.

"I've got a surprise for you" I smiled, grabbing his hands and leading him into the dining room.

"Not the bedroom?" Jackson asked, causing me to smack him on his arm.

"Behave" I replied, as he laughed in response. I pushed him to sit down at the dining table. Smiling as he took in the food laid out for him.

"I can't eat all of that!" Jackson exclaimed, looking up at me while gesturing.

"Yes, you can. Now eat while I shift your luggage to your room" I smiled, leaving him at the dining table.

"This is soooo good" Jackson smiled, looking up when I came back into the dining room.

"I'll make more for you next time" I smiled in return, sitting across him. I knew he loves cheese and made some roasted meat with gooey cheese for him as one of the dishes.

"Join me" he pouted, furrowing his eyebrows and patting the seat next to him. I smiled as I got up to shift next to him, causing him to smile and continue eating again. He looked up as he laid his head on my shoulder, his left hand resting on my thigh.

"It feels good now that you're next to me" he muttered, closing his eyes and squeezing my thigh.

We stayed there for a while, talking about everything and nothing as he continued eating before we were disturbed by the others.

"Hyung! You're back!" Bam exclaimed, exiting his room and throwing his arm around Jackson's shoulder.

"Food" Youngjae shouted, already helping himself to the food. JB had tried to hold Youngjae back but failed and ended up shaking his head while settling into one of the chairs.

"I hope we're not interrupting..." JB said, looking at me. I shook my head in response and smiled as I watched Jackson interact with the others.

"Ice cream?" Mark asked, grabbing a few tubs and spoons from the kitchen.

"MY EYES ON..." Yugyeom interrupted, cueing laughter from all of us. They started to eat with Jackson and ended up finishing the food before we started on the ice cream.

It was getting late as the conversation started to slow, we were all getting drowsy from the food and had shifted to the living room. I had rested my head on Jackson's shoulder, our hands were intertwined, and I was playing with his ring when I felt him yawn.

"It's time for bed kids" I said, rubbing Jackson thigh before I got up to clear the dishes. Mark got up to help clear the dishes as well, bringing the rest of them to the sink as I started washing.

Mark stood beside me to wash the soapy dishes after I scrubbed them, making the job a lot quicker. The others thanked us and had probably left to their rooms as it was quiet outside.

"Thank you. Really, thank you. For cooking and cleaning" Jackson said, shuffling into the kitchen. He threw his arms around the two of us and held us to his cheeks before letting go.

"It's fine, go to bed" I replied, nodding at him. He blinked slowly, processing my words as he rubbed his eyes and nodded before slouching out of the kitchen. I sighed as I could tell that he was exhausted, luckily we don't have anything on tomorrow.

I was about to leave as we were done with the dishes when Mark reached out to stop me.

"I erm..." he started, rubbing the nape of his neck. I leant forward and nodded for him to continue as he averted his eyes to the floor.

"I'm happy for you. You're my best friend and well... Jackson is important to me too. And erm... look after each other...?" Mark continued, blushing so hard that his ears turned red.

Laughing, I threw my arms around him and held him close before I replied. "Thank you" I smiled. I didn't know why but I felt that I needed to hear that from him, especially after that night in Japan.

"I don't ever want to see either of you get hurt" Mark muttered as he hugged me back, patting my back before letting go.

I nodded and turned, noticing that Jackson was leaning against the doorway, watching the two of us. His eyes were curious, but he kept quiet as he held my gaze.

"Ja...ack" Mark stuttered. Mark's eyes were wide, looking like a deer in headlights as he turned to face the doorway.

Jackson nodded, closing his eyes and sending a small smile to the floor before he went to the sink, keeping silent the whole way. I wasn't sure of how much of our conversation he heard but I don't know why he seemed so unapproachable at that moment, that I just stared at his back as he washed his mug.

"Jinyoung, could you leave us for a moment?" Jackson asked, his tone airy as he placed his mug on the rack before turning around. His face was expressionless as he held my gaze for a moment before dropping it and looking down at his hands.

I glanced at Mark, raising my eyebrows in question as he shrugged in response. "Okay..." I replied, nodding at Mark slowly before I left the kitchen. I lingered in the hall as I was curious. You can't blame me... it's what any normal person would do.

"Go to bed, I know you're there" Jackson called. I sighed in frustration as I entered my room. Stupid boy knows me too well.

I sat at the foot of my bed and waited, hoping that either Jackson or Mark would clue me in on their conversation after.

A/N: Late update. I know. I'm SORRYYYYYY. Bonus 2 chapters though... forgiven? THANK YOU FOR ALL THE VOTES AND COMMENTS ❤️❤️❤️

PS. Jinyoung looks so fluffy here I can't.

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