Decision Time

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I woke up to my sister knocking on my bedroom door, shouting in at me to get up for breakfast. It was summer and I just wanted to stay in bed forever, especially after what happened last night. I threw my heavy pink duvet off my warm body which the hairs on my arms instantly stood up as I did so. I walked over to my white, painted, wardrobe and pulled out an oversized, grey hoodie to throw on over my bed clothes to keep me warm. I walked over to my mirror to run a brush through my hair to make me look somewhat presentable. After going to the toilet and brushing my teeth I could smell the breakfast El was making downstairs and instantly my stomach grumbled, so I quickly made my way downstairs to the kitchen where El was over the cooker making breakfast and Josh was sitting reading the newspaper at the table.

"Morning Josh, Morning El." I yawned as I walked towards my stunning, blonde sister.

"Morning!" They both said in sync

I looked over to the sink where I could see a plate of food untouched, I walked over and picked it up to bring over to the table.

"Em, what are you doing? Bring that up to Dad, thats his your's isn't ready yet." El ushered me to the kitchen door with the hot plate in my hand.

I felt like dropping everything and just running out of the house and never turning back. How was I supposed to give this to my Dad? What if he hit me again? What if he had taken those pills?


I gulped strongly and took a deep breath in, standing outside his bedroom door with the plate in my hand, not noticing the heat from it anymore. I slowly opened the door to a large gust of cool breezy air to hit me in the face and send the smell of the fry to travel up my nose and make my stomach growl at me again. I looked in the room, the windows were opened but there was nobody in the room. I walked a bit further in to check the bed, but the room was completely empty. Where the hell has my dad gone to? He hasn't ran away? He couldn't have!

I heard a cough behind me and I instantly got shivers the whole way down my spine and through to my legs, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I spun around on the spot sending a pice of pudding off the plate onto the ground. It was my father. I stood staring at him, looking his whole body up and down. He was wearing his black suit trousers that he usually wore to work with a white shirt tucked into it, buttoned up to his neck with a long thin tie, tied tightly around his neck. His face was bare of hair and his eyes looked happier, more full. His hair was cut and washed and there was no longer a smell of mould off him, he smelled fresh now, like after shave or deodorant of some sort. He was holding a black suit coat in his hand looking at me with a big smile. What happened to how he acted last night? Was it a dream? Did it not happen?

"Morning Em!" My Dad greeted me with a warm hug that I had not received one like in months.

"Is this for me?" He asked gesturing to he plate of breakfast that had now one less piece of white pudding.

I stood there not knowing what to say, I looked from my dad to the piece of pudding that had fell onto the floor. He looked at me and smiled taking the plate from my hands walking out of his room, down the stairs. I didn't know what to think so I went to my bedroom to check for bruising on my face, there was no bruise there but the side of my face was scarlet red and I could see a bruise starting to come out just under my temple. I went into my white, makeup bag on my dressing table and took my mac concealer from it and applied it on my face where I was going red, applying my usual make up like mascara, lip balm and light shade of eyeshadow for some depth.

I made my way to the kitchen after getting dressed into my high wasted shorts and a flowy blouse that I tucked into my shorts and my peach vans.

"Em! C'mon! Your breakfast is cold! Eat up so Josh can bring you out for a bit, you's can go shopping or to Starbucks or the movies or something like that, I want to talk to dad for a while." El said handing me my plate and ushering me towards a seat at the table beside my dad while sending my Dad a huge smile. My stomach jumped around inside me when I thought of her and my dad being in the hose together alone, he could do anything. I brushed my thoughts to the back of my head as I sat down and straight away shoved all the food into my mouth, I wanted to leave this house as quick as possible, it was a horrible feeling knowing that my dad was acting like nothing had happened. I had lost every single bit of respect for that man, and when I called him 'my dad' it made my stomach turn but it also made me sick to think what he could do to her.

I quickly stood up and put my dishes in the sink and looked at Josh who was finishing his coffee. My dad stood up and walked towards me pulling his hand out of his pocket, handing me £50. I looked up at him and pushed his hand back towards his stomach.

"Thanks dad, but I've got my own money, I don't need yours!" I tried do say as calmly as possible so Josh and El wouldn't suspect anything.

"Are you sure Em? You deserve a treat! He said pushing the money back towards me.

This man was unbelievable! How could he lie like this to my face? How could he act so innocent? He's not a real man! He's abusive and all this is just an act! I just want my old dad back! What happened to my Dad I loved?

"NO dad, I don't want your money!" I snapped back at him before walking over to the kitchen door and looking over to Josh, signalling him to hurry up. He must have understood because he got up from the table, gave El a hug and said goodbye. I gave El a smile and a wave and with that we left the house.

"So, where to then Em?" Josh asked looking over to me.

"SHOPPINGG!" I shouted enthusiastically back in reply.

"Why did I even ask?" Josh laughed as we drove off to go shopping.


So what do yous all think?

We haven't really gotten into it yet but the next chapter will be full of drama and I want it to be extra good so i wont be updating for a few days!

Thanks to everybody who's reading, I hope yous enjoy it! Comment and tell me what yous think should happen and dont forget to vote too, it means a lot!

Thanks x!:)

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