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I stood there just staring at her. Although she was busy watching Teen Wolf on Netflix gawking over Derek while icing her feet. At that moment I knew she was mine whether she knew it or not and I would make sure that the only person she ever admires again is me and only me. I was drawn out of my train of thought by Kyle telling me to stop acting like a lovesick puppy and go over there. By this she was already looking so I made my way over there.


I was watching Teen Wolf and admiring Derek's six pack because let's be real he is a god. I heard a creaking sound but ignored it. Besides, it was probably Crystal telling me that my time is up and that I should start getting ready. Although she is just a model she likes to act as the director of photoshoots. I am used to it though because she was always the bossy one between the two of us while I was more of the tough, outgoing and sane one.

Upon not hearing her voice I turned around to be met with Justin Grey and his best friend Kyle and let me just say he is hot but not as hot as Justin. To tell you the truth I was starting to get uncomfortable because Justin was just staring at me and I could see a mixture of lust, determination and something else in his eyes but I couldn't place what it was. Upon realizing my discomfort Kyle whispered something in his ears and he started to make his way towards me.

He stood in front of me and paused my show, how rude. I looked at him through my lashes and said,"Do you have a problem".

"No I don't, I was just trying to get your attention".

"Ok, you have it, now what do you want", I answered. He is really starting to get on my nerves.

"Oh feisty, I like feisty".

He continued," I was just wondering if you would like to go out sometime".

Is he for real, I just met him and he didn't even introduce himself (eventhough I know who he is),didn't even say good evening, but he has the audacity to just come and pop the question.

"Who do you think you are", I said out of astonishment.

"Oh don't act like you don't know me, I'm Jus-"

" I didn't mean like that" I said rolling my eyes, cutting him mid-sentence.

" I meant who do you think you are just coming up to me and interrupting me at what I'm doing, not even saying a howdy-do or introducing yourself but you are just going to come up to me an be like" wanna go out sometime" and just for your information the answer is NO", I finished putting emphasis on the no and let me just say I was almost out of breath at my rambling.

"Woah, woah chill out there mama are you a Latina or something you were talking unbelievably fast".

"For your information yes I am a half Latina mixed with Spanish, but you still haven't answered my question".

"Oh yeah sorry about coming off as rude I was thrown off my game by your beauty".

"Wow", I said out of sarcasm.

"How long did it take for you to come up with that corny ass line", I retorted with sass.

"You really are a tough one aren't you".

" I hate to break but yes, yes I am".

"Oh really, well I love a good cha-".

"V you need to start getting ready, you too loverboy", said Crystal interrupting Justin mid-sentence, and can I just say thank god for Crystal, for saving me from this conversation.

Crystal made her way over to us not even looking where she was going because she was too busy staring at Kyle and being the clutz that she is (we have that in common) tripped over a cord and fell. Kyle ran over and helped her up. They were both staring into each others eyes intently and can I just say I smell ROMANCE.

"Hey my name is Kyle and yours is".

It was a solid 5 seconds and Crystal was just staring at him and being her best friend I know that she is a non-romantic and would most likely embarrass herself so to save her the embarrassment I got up and dragged her away. Besides I needed her help to help me get ready.


"Whipped", I said teasing Kyle.

"Shut up loverboy, at least I didn't get rejected", Kyle said laughing.

"Whatever, you and I both know I will stop at nothing to get what I want, and truth be told I want her".

"Okay, Mr. Determined, and just so you know I have my eyes on someone too".


Oooooh, looks like Kyle has found a love interest. Find out what happens next in the next chapter of Be Mine.( Dragon ball Z voice)

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