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I woke up in the morning around 1 a.m. and went to the bathroom. I did my business and went downstairs into the kitchen to get a glass of milk, it's kind of my routine when I get up in the middle of the night, it doesn't matter of it's hot or cold. It helps my nerves to calm and that way I can go back to sleep easily.

I had my glass of milk, washed the glass and was ready to go back up. I turned around and I could of swore that my heart literally stopped.

"Jesus Christ, are you trying to kill me or something", I yelled at a smirking Justin standing there in nothing but a pair of sweatpants with his sexy 8 pack on display.

"Of course not babe, I just heard a noise so I had to come check it know, since it's my house and all. I also couldn't sleep".

"But anyways what are you doing down here again".

"First of all, don't call me babe and second of all, I just came down here to get a glass of milk".

"Okay then...well I'm going back upstairs and try to get some sleep. Laters baby".

"I thought I told you to stop calling me that".

"No you didn't. Technically you said stop calling you babe and I'm pretty positive that I just said baby".

"'re so annoying".

"Yeah well it runs in the family....babe", he said grinning while retreating back upstairs.

I sighed, heavily I might add, and made my way back to my 'room'. I laid in bed and tried too fall asleep, key word being 'tried'. I stirred and stirred till I gave up and decided to try and force myself to fall asleep. Failing in the process I thought of something that I would love to do but would may or may not regret in the morning. So with this thought in mind I made my way to my room across from mine.

I quietly opened the door only to see that Justin was staring at the ceiling.

"Can't sleep right", he asked facing me.

"Yeah, I was wondering if I could sleep in here with you tonight".

"Yeah sure I was going to come over there anyways, probably with some lame excuse like' I'm scared of the dark' just so I could be near you".

I chuckled at his comment, closed the door and made my way over to his bed. He moved over and I laid beside. We were like this for about one minute before he pulled me closer so we were spooning and our feet were tangled together. Feeling at peace I snuggled closer about to fall asleep when I heard him ask, well more like a rhetorical question, "What are you doing to me".

The next morning I woke up to a comfortable warmth. I snuggled closer to the source feeling content. I opened my eyes and was on high alert, feeling frightened by my surroundings then all the events of yesterday came rushing back to me.

Now fully aware of my surroundings I was now realizing that I was facing Justin's chest. l looked up and was now looking at his sleeping face which is even more handsome as his facial features are more relaxed. I couldn't help myself but to trace my finger against his well defined jawline. He stirred in his sleep and opened his eyes.

"Good morning beautiful".

"Good morning to you too and I thought I told you to stop with the nicknames".

He suddenly climbed on top of me so he was now straddling my hips.

"Get off of me you freak. Do you have any idea how heavy you are".

"Yeah, I do and in order for me to get off you have to make a deal with me".

"Are you nine or something but anyways what is it".

"I can get to call you whatever nickname I like, when and where I want".

"You've got to be kidding me".

"I'm pretty sure I'm not", he says putting more weight on me.

"Ok fine, just get off me".

He got off me(thank god) and I got a chance to see the alarm clock and it was 8:39 and I had to reach at work by 9:00.

"Justin! I'm going to be late we need to get ready right now because you need to drop me off!".

"Okay geez, no need to get all worked up", he stated rubbing his ears!".

"All we have to do is shower(and do the other necessities of course), me here and you in your room, get ready and be on our way. And I'm pretty sure you can get breakfast at your workplace so you don't have to stop and eat".

Agreeing to this we both got out of bed and got ready in record time. I got my bag and ran outside to his car, where Justin was already waiting. It was a green Lamborghini(#DOBRE BROTHERS). We went inside and he sped off. We pulled up infront of my workplace and I made my way to my department and there I saw Crystal.

"Thank god you're here V. You are 2 minutes late. You're lucky Mr. Odonell isn't here because he would've been pissed".

"Yeah I know, I know it's just that I woke up late".

"Oooh, woke up late huh. Is it because of the rough sex you and Justin had last night", she said grossing me out.

"What?! don't be ridiculous. I'm not like those whores who fuck on the first night".

"I know I was just kidding. Anyways we should get our hair and makeup done before Mr. Odo-".

"Violet, there you are. I was looking everywhere for you", Justin shouted interrupting Crystal mid-sentence.

"Oh, why tho".

"I was just giving you your bag babe. You left it in the car".

"Babe huh, I thought you said nothing happened last night".

"That's because nothing did. It's a long story I'll explain later".

"Anyways Justin, I've gotta go so I'll see you later or something".

"Yeah sure, I've gotta go to work too so.....Laters baby", he said kissing me on my cheek and headed out.

"You really do have things to explain", Crystal said dazed at what happened.


For anyone who's confused V is Violet's nickname. Stay tuned as usual there's more to come.

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