Hetalia One-shots

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So, I've decided to make a seperate 'story' for  my fluffy, drabble-ey, one-shots. Most of them won't be related, but if they are, I'll let you know. :)

The genres will vary depending on my mood and, of course, the plot for that particular story. Some of them will have yaoi pairings, other will have family/friendship plots, and others won't have any pairings or plot, some will be just pure, utter crack. :D Yay. 

I'm hoping to post my first one-shot tommorow or later tonight, just so you guys know. So, yeah. Also, I'll take requets, just leave a comment telling me the characters and what you want in it and... stuff. :S Just make sure it's not R-rated or anything, mkay? :3 

Also, I don't own Hetalia.Some... other guy that's not me owns it.

Well, until next time, Lovelies~!

                                                     ~Kaira of Dark Thunder 

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