Author's Note

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Okay, so this is my first story and I wrote this in like the 8th grade. I'm almost a sophomore now and I'm editing it as I go along. The first few chapters were written entirely in my 8th-grade year but I'm currently finishing the rest.

This story sprung purely from my boredom and I mostly wrote it on a whim but I'm mostly proud of the product and I hope to finish the story soon.

I will try to update on a regular schedule but high school sucks and my time may be spread thin but if I do update late I will try to let you know.

So if you've made it this far, I must warn you, this story is probably cringe and if you see any errors feel free to comment and I will try to fix them.

Also, please don't be rude to other people in the comments, especially over your opinion. I mean obviously, we all have our own opinions so even if you think their opinion is wrong please don't harass them about it.

Without further ado, I hope you partly enjoy this cringey story that I wrote a while ago.

One more thing I want to mention, I do not own the art used for the cover. That belongs to Viria which I'm sure most of you already know.


(I don't own Percy Jackson or any other characters affiliated with the Heroes of Olympus or Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. They are solely owned by Rick Riordan.) 

Update (August 17, 2018): I have added songs to every chapter that I think go along pretty well so if you want to listen to them I will have all of them in a Spotify playlist and I will also attach the video to the chapter.

Link to playlist:

Update (September 2, 2018): When I wrote this story, I never took into account the age difference between Percy and Apollo with Apollo being an immortal several hundred-year-old god and Percy being a teenager but I instead wrote the story intending for Apollo to be the age of Percy as gods can change how they want to appear. So when you read this story, please take this fact into consideration and I'm sorry if that's a turn-off but again, I was but a mere 8th grader when I started this story and I kind of just rolled with the idea and I'm moderately proud of the outcome. (Also: THANK YOU GUYS FOR ALL THE READS. When I started this story I never thought my friends would like it (also huge Percy Jackson enthusiasts) let alone hundreds of random people I've never met before. Some of the comments genuinely brightened my day and made me smile so here's to you readers)

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