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genre: fluff and a little bit of angst

setting: school, dance studio, and home


"kino!" i embrace him in a hug.

he hugs back.

"its been long since i seen you (y/n)." he says, still hugging me.

i let him go.

"yeah because of your busy schedule with Pentagon." i say.

i look at him and pout.

he chuckles.

"but i'm still sad." i say.

"why?" he ask.

"because we're at school." i point at the school near us.

he wraps his around my shoulder and we walk to school.

the teacher was talking and i was taking notes. kino on the other hand was drawing on his notebook. he's been gone for months so he doesn't know what we're doing.

the bell rung and i packed my stuff. kino was asleep and the teachers understood why.

i put his stuff away for him.

"kino-ah." i whisper, shaking him gently.

he hums.

"school's over." i say.

he sits up straight.

"already?" he looked confused.

i nod.

he stands up and grabs his backpack.

he grabs my hand and we walk out together.

i was blushing behind him. i'm sad we aren't  dating yet. i have strong feelings for him but i don't know about him.

we pass my house.

"my house is right over there." i say.

"i know." he responds.

my face was full of confusion.

i just followed him.

"we're here." he says.

Cube Entertainment!?

we walk in and i see the rest of the Pentagon memebers.

i bow to them and they do the same back.

"watch me dance." he says.

i nod.

i set my stuff next to me once i sit.

i watch them dance to their new song Shine. i kept my focus on kino the whole time. when the song ended he walked to me and sat next to me.

"water." he whispers.

"what? " i say.

"water. " he repeats.

i mouthed 'oh' and quickly grab water. i open it for him and he drinks it.

he lays his head on my shoulder and my cheeks turn pink.

they started practicing other songs and i watch.

i fell asleep watching them dance all day.

someone poked my cheek and shook me.

"(y/n)." they whispered.

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