byungchan (victon)

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practice room in plan a entertainment.

i was practicing for our song along with my trainee friends. we were hyped to finally be revealed to people but our group name and debut is unknown.

"yah, the dance teacher is on her way. we have to be perfect okay?" minsoo says, our leader of the group.

everybody nods their heads and yells yes.

"i'm so excited but i'm terrified right now." soljin says, our main vocalist.

"we all are." areum says, our lead vocalist.

"i hope we don't mess us." chaein says praying with her hands together, our maknae and rapper.

"we won't! we've been practicing our entire lives." ling says, our chinese member and visual.

"don't forget we have her." haesoo says, our vocal and fashionista.

"me? we're all great dancers." i say.

i'm the main dancer and rapper of the group.

"alright, team fighting." minsoo says.

we put our hands together to do cheer. we practice even more until our faces were full with sweat. after 2 hours we finally took a break. every one of us lay done on the wooden hard floor and our hard breathing was heard.

"great teaching yuna." haesoo says, next to me she gives me a hi five.

the practice room door opens and we immediately react. we stand up and form a line.

"hello." the dance teacher says.

we all bow and greet her hello.

"how's practice going?" she asks.

everyone yells good. chaein runs to grab her a chair in the room and gives it to her. the teacher thanks her with a smile.

"alright then, lets see the dance."


once the dance finished we formed back into a line. the teachers face was straight, no reaction. she started clapping.

"that's was good but not perfect. yuna, you're the main dancer why were you lacking the most?" the teacher asks.

"i'm sorry. i'll do better." i lower my head.

"teacher, yuna has been staying the latest to learn the dance and teach every one of us. she starves and exhaust herself to teach us. we tell her to stop but she won't listen to us." soljin explains.

"ah, don't do that. you need to stay healthy. you guys are getting there, great job. i'll teach you guys tomorrow, i have a busy schedule today. see you guys. practice hard alright? fighting!" she says.

we bow and thank her.

"you're not lacking, you're just tired. it's okay." ling says and pats my back.

the group smiles at me and i smile back. we rest again before practicing. the door opens and we look to see. it was victon sunbaenim. they bowed and said hello. our group gathered and did the same. we really like victon members, in a friend way. hehe.

"we heard you guys are practicing for your first song." seungsik says.

we nod our heads and say yes.

"how's it going?" heochan asks.

"it's going well." areum says.

"did the teacher come by?" byungchan asks.

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