hwall (the boyz)

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genre: fluff

your name: ye seul

i walk to cre.ker entertainment with bags of food. i'm friends with eric and that's how i became close with the boyz. i walk inside the building. the people and staffs working in the building don't mind me.

"soo jung!" i wave.

(soo jung is the ceo's daughter and goes to the same school as ye seul and eric. they're friends.)

"ye seul!" she waves back.

i walk to her.

"you're feeding them again." she says.

i nod.

"let me help." she grabs the bag in my left hand.

"thanks." i say.

we walk to the boyz practice room.

"so, how are you and eric doing?" i nudge her shoulder.

"he hasn't asked me out me out yet but we're good." she smiles.

we hear the loud music from the boyz practice room and walk in.

"ye seul!" eric yells.

he forgets about practice and runs to hug me. he lets go.

"princess soo jung." eric says and kisses her hand.

"awh, you guys cute. just date already." i say with a smile.



i turn my head.

"oh, hi hwall." i start blushing.

"half of the members are asleep because of the good food you bought." he chuckles.

i chuckle also. he walks to the sleeping members and lay his head on sunwoo stomach.


i jumped.

"yah! don't scare me." i say and slap eric's shoulder.

"ow! but when are you going to confess?" he asks.

"confess!? no no no no no!" i shake my head and put my arms as an x.

"why not? you do like him right?" eric asks.

"yes?" i say.

"i'll go tell him for you." eric says.

he stands up.

"what! no! yah!" i whisper-yell.

hwall pov

i feel a pat on my shoulder.

"hey. let's talk over there." eric says pointing at an empty area.

i stand up and we walk over to the area eric was pointing at.

"bro. you know someone has a huge crush on you." eric says.

"really who?" i asks.

"me!" eric hugs me.

"ew, get off me." i say and push him by his forehead.

"no but seriously." eric says with a serious face.

"then who?" i asks.

eric comes to my ear and whispers.

"its ye s-"

before he could finish his sentence, ye seul comes and covers his mouth. i could only hear eric's muffles. ye seul smiles at me and i smile back.

ye seul pov

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