jiahn (in2it)

268 7 4

genre: fluff

setting: after school


me and jiahn stayed after school to study and finish our homework.

"yah!" i yell.

i chase after jiahn who has my phone.

"give it back." i say.

he sticks out his tongue at me. he runs out of the class and i chase after him. my stupid self tripped and fell on my knees on the hard floor. i yelp. jiahn heard me and turned around.

"(y/n)!" he runs towards me.

"are you okay?" he asks.

"i'm fine." i say.

i stand up but fall towards. jiahn catches me and i look up. our faces were close and he smiles.

"thank you." i say.

he helps me up. his hands were around my waist and my hands were around his shoulder.

"i'm okay. you can let go now." i say.

jiahn shakes his head.

"i'd rather not." he says.

all of a sudden jiahn picks me up and carries me bridal style. he carries me back to class and sits me down on my desk.

"thank you." i say.

"no problem." he says.

he passes me my phone. i take it.

"(y/n)." he says.

i hum.

"do you like me?" he asks.

i look at him, surprised.

"why do you asks?" i say.

"just wondering." he says.

i nod multiple times, slowly.

"lets finish work." i say trying to ignore the awkward atmospere.

he nods. he sits next to me and we finish our hw.

"i'm done." i say.

"me too. should we go then?" he says.

i nod with a smile. we put our things away into our backpack. we carry our backpacks and walk out. we were outside and i took out my phone and earphones.

"here." i give him the other earphone.

he takes it and puts it in his ear.

we walk back to my place and his place which is next door to mines.

while walking his hands kept touching mines. i was hinting he wanted to hold my hand. i  had the courage to grab his hand and hold it. he was suprised but smiled after to himself.

"we're here." i say.

"oh, i didn't notice." he chuckles.

he takes off the headphones and gives it to me. he kisses my hand and lets go. i blush and smile at the same time. i wave goodbye.

i walk into my house and to my room. i took a shower and wore my pj's. i lay on my bed, stomach way. i grab my phone and text jiahn.

what are you doing?

about to take a shower.

okay, i'll wait.

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