chapter 8

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By thedragonshifter
Pleiades's PoV

     Prince? He's a prince? But, he's not the sunwing prince is he, which means I don't need to listen to him. "You're Cloudwing, I'm Sunwing. Sunwings don't take orders from other tribes. Especially Cloudwings." She growled bitterly. The white and pastel green Cloudwing looked a little disappointed at her words, But Pleiades didn't care about what he wanted. She turned away from the Cloudwing prince, heading for her cave," Stupid Cloudwings, living in their freezing cold home and bossing everyone around..." She muttered under her breath,"can't even go anywhere without tripping on a rock. Cloudwings must be idiots to choose a place like this to live, camel- brains." her tail lashing back and forth grumpily.

     "If you hate it here so much, then why do you live here? Why don't you go back to your precious desert and destroy things there instead of here?" The Cloudwing growled from behind her. She whisked her head around, her green eyes dark,"I don-" she began but was interrupted by the prince. His eyes were flashing furiously, she had obviously offended him.

     "I could say the same thing about your ugly desert. And it's the Sunwings who tell everyone what to do. You guys think your the smartest dragons in Tarliin with all of your... Science- stuff. As far as I know, nobody likes the Sunwings tribe other then the Sunwings. And I don't know what you guys do in the Sun kingdom, but here in the Cloud kingdom, we don't tolerate thieves. And do you know where thieves go? Prison. And if you don't want to be a prisoner, you are going to answer my questions. Now." Pleiades stared at him, her mouth gaping. Is the desert really that ugly? Are Sunwings really like that? I don't remember much about Sunwings, I have never actually lived in the desert before. She couldn't help but feel a little hurt. Nobody had talked to her like that before.

      "Are you going to answer my questions or stare at my like a grew a second head?" The Cloudwing growled,"I don't have all night." Pleiades looked away quickly, suddenly shy, and shuffled her talons along the leafy forest floor. "F-fine." She stammered stupidly as she walked back towards the prince. She felt as if her legs were made of rubber and never looked him directly in the eyes.

     "How did you get here in the first place. Why do you even live here if you don't like it?" He asked, his voice quieter. Pleiades sighed and curled her tail around her talons nervously,"I had no choice." She muttered. The prince looked unsatisfied,"you have no idea what happens to Sunwings with unnatural powers, do you?" She snarled,"the Queen kills dragons with powers in the most horrible ways. So my parents smuggled me into the Cloud kingdom but were captured on the way there. I escaped and lived in a cave the rest if my life. I never leaft my cave except for when I needed to find food. And I never spoke to any dragon. Happy now?"

     The dragon was silent for a few moments, the fur rising along his spine,"and the outside world." He asked. Pleiades narrowed her eyes,"I never travelled very far out of my cave." She muttered. Suddenly, a faint streak of light beamed across the sky and panic sparked in her chest. I can't be seen out in the open like this! I'll become a Cloudwing prisoner!
     She began to back away from the dragon, completely aware of the black poison gas steaming from in between her scales. "Where are you going?" The prince asked, standing back up, "I don't even know your name yet!" He protested as she turned and ran towards her cave.

     More beams of light appeared in the sky as she raced back home, leaving a blackened trail of grass in her wake. She leapt over a log, dodged around large rocks, and skipped over some time streams until she reached the pathway that would lead up to her cave. Hurry! She quickened her pace as she ran carefully up the trail, well away from the large drop off to her right. Then, as she finally reached her home, she backed up into the opening and let the darkness consume her.

    Pleiades was relieved when she was able to curl up into a ball in the corner of her cave. It was a terrible idea to steal food. That prince will probably report me to her mom and ill be ambushed in the middle of the night and taken prisoner. As she closed her eyes, she couldn't help remembering what that Cloudwing had said about her tribe. Are Sunwings really that bad? Is that why I have no friends, because I'm a Sunwing and nobody likes Sunwings? Or maybe its because I'm a monster. I did kill two dragons and I almost killed the Cloudwing prince. She sighed, a single tear running down her cheek and evaporating before it even touched the stone.

     I deserve to be locked up in a dungeon. Maybe it would be better if I never set foot outside this cave. Wherever I go death follows and I can't control my own feelings. If I never leave my cave, everybody would be a whole lot safer, and its not like anybody would miss a monster like me anyway.

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